
  1. King's Indican

    Nutrients Comparing What I am used to to the Biobizz Line

    Hi people! For more than a year I am using Aptus nutrients for growing autoflowers. In that setup I had Regulator, Startbooster, CaMg Boost, All in One Liquid, P boost, K boost and Topbooster basically. And I was following an EC schedule first giving them N then P then K. This brand was the only...
  2. King's Indican

    Preparing germination water! about ec levels.

    Hi there! Four months ago I planted my first autoflower seeds (Hindukush). My conditions very relatively poor but somehow I managed to get a good harvest and it motivated me for a second one, a better one. In the first grow I experienced a very slow growth and nitrogen toxicity with shiny green...