
  1. Merlin.BAMF

    Indoor Merlin's Perpetual Grow.........

    Im starting this thread so I can post all my currently growing plants in my tent....... I plan to always have atleast 2 plants in my tent and most of the time I hope to have 3, With the oldest of them close to finish by the time I decide on next strain to start up........ I know for sure my next...
  2. Merlin.BAMF

    Lighting Merlins Hubbabubbasmelloscope LED Grow.........Mephisto Genetics...........

    My 1st attempt to grow a 2nd ever strain from Mephisto Genetics..........Thank You for stopping in and anytime that you see an easy or quick improvement, please, by all means, let me know asap........i appreciate everybody and your alls help........Wish me luck........