jackpot auto

  1. Selsharesthan

    New Grower G14 Auto x3 and Jackpot Auto x1

    Some of these pictures are of my seedlings just after sprouting and some are from 10 days later. Please forgive the mess. I will be more organized in the future. I am growing 3 G14 Autos and 1 Jackpot Auto. Miracle Gro Performance Organics soil with perlite. All are 10 days old. I have them...
  2. The Vault

    Heavyweight Seeds Promo at The Vault

    The promos at The Vault Cannabis Seeds Store just don’t stop! The next breeder to weigh in and deliver a knockout deal for #TEAMVAULT is Heavyweight Seeds Visit https://www.cannabis-seeds-store.co.uk/Cannabis-Seeds-News/buy-heavyweight-seeds-get-free-heavyweight-seeds to learn more about the...