
  1. Week 7 (day 49)

    Week 7 (day 49)

    And 3 becomes 2. one of our first 3 planted got root burned in seedling stage and never recovered so we made the decision to stop spending resources and energy on it and pull it. Being in flower increased the risk it would hermi and ruin the others so it had to go. The other 2 are going strong...
  2. Week 6 (day 42)

    Week 6 (day 42)

    Another fairly uneventful week! Temps stayed around the 75/65F range for day/night and the humidifier has kept it between 55-60% RH (not bad for a cheap one off amazon!) Two of the first 3 are still recovering from the nute burn and it slowed their growth a bit; the other one is still struggling...
  3. Week 5 (day 35)

    Week 5 (day 35)

    Low energy week this week, mostly just watering with PH'd water, maintaining enviroment and watching. Had a little hiccup when I decided to try adding nutes with 1/2 strength FF Trio to the first three but I think it was too soon because they got a bit droopy and sad after. It may have been...
  4. Week 4 (day 28)

    Week 4 (day 28)

    Lots of good growth and filling out, moving the first 3 away from the light worked well and I got enough stretch to start LST on 2 of them. The third is still holding on but it's growing slower and looks unhappy, not really sure what happened with that one but we decided to hold off LST since...
  5. Week 3 (day 21)

    Week 3 (day 21)

    Lots of growth in early veg stage this week, the first three we planted are filling out nicely but staying a bit squat which isn't ideal for starting LST. Moved them further from the light to encourage a little stretching. One of them is staying really short and seems to be lagging behind the...
  6. Week 2 (day 14)

    Week 2 (day 14)

    We had some good growth over week 2, most of it right at the tail end of it. Moving them closer to the light helped, they stopped stretching and their color is looking good; I'm happy with the progress so far. The one that came up later stayed pretty squat so i moved it further from the light to...