
  1. Marthajeep

    Must read! Lst difficulties

    Hey AFN folks! It’s been over a decade since I’ve grown last and times have changed to say the least. So it’s time to grow! So I have two plants growing both around 3 weeks from germ. My setup is a 1,000w led 30” above with dimmers, my temp stays around 77 and humidity right about 50. No nutes...
  2. V

    New Grower Stunted plants on first grow, recovered. Thoughts?

    Hello AFN, I'm new to this forum and new to growing as well. I'll give you the run down on my plants before I list my grow details. I'm growing in Promix HP and when I started, I watered with 6.5 PH water up until about day 25 or so and noticed my girls were nutrient deficient and growing very...