Does anyone use Surround WP?

The Medicine Man

Head Hydro Honcho
May 29, 2011
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Hey there,

I posted this Q on another forum, too, and figured I'd love to get your thoughts. One hears alot of spider mites and other nasties that can infiltrate the garden, and I was wondering if anyone uses Surround WP for anything? I use it a ton in my fruit and veggie gardens to ward off pests and it does a bang up job. Thought I'd check to see if anyone has ever used it with success on cannabis.

I haven't heard of the stuff which means nothing. Thanks for the link. :peace:
Its a huge protectant used by orchardists to protect against thrips, mites, etc. I've got about 50 pounds sitting 'round here for my gardens. A little goes a looooong way.
I've never heard of it before either. After reading the description it does seem like it could be effective. My main concern would be being able to sufficiently wash it off before harvest. Even though it appears that ingesting it doesn't cause any harm, I'm sure a white powder on the buds would put people off. Are you considering giving it a try?
If you decide to try it on cannabis, let us know how it goes. :peace:
Yea, I am going to try it out on some of my stuff outside. Especially in the beginning. It washes off so easily, that you could just take a spray bottle of water and douse the leaves off until it runs clear. We'll see!
I've never used it... but know theres a few organic farms around here that use it for apples and fruit production... supposedly works well!