DIY Help with my home made hps..



I picked up a parts for a ballast, had a friend bulid a box for it with a fan..

my problem now.. is finding a reflector! I tried lettng the bulb hang and work out a verticle stadium layout. With the size of my closet resulted in me losing light.

This is what i have..


I would like the barest minimum reflector, as I have cord and reflector, but this is all i could find..

anybody know of good site with reflectors/reflector parts?
You could make a cheapie with a some galvanized duct pipe, tin snips and a hose clamp really easy or search for batwing reflectors. The price on the ebay one isnt to bad either.
yeah... drop the 40 bucs and save the hassle IMO... but you def could make your own easy enoguh.. aluminum flashing or something like bailer said...

Thanks guys, I think i will shell out the 40, as i want it to be safe and effecient. I dont know much about the cable my friend adapted to this socket, I know the reflector in link has buillt in socket, if worst comes to worse i may have to modify that?

Thanks again for response! cant wait to get this thing beamin on my babies :D
no prob bro... just be very sure your wires and all are at the proper voltage and amperage ratings for the task... dont want you to go through a burn-out... bad all the way around... good luck and good karma sent bro...