He's pooped on my leaf.



i have noticed that the plants i put outside now have quite a lot of these bugs on them.. at first there only seemed to be one or two, but now i think the family has moved in as well..


anyone know if these are harmfull or beneficial.
Stanko...meet Stink Bug...:D

Lots of people say that they can make you bud go off..or whatever...
I have had them for years..and I like to see them.

I have never had any bud damage off them..and they keep my girls absolutely clean of pests.

They like aphids and I have seen them chasing soil pests too..
they are like ladybugs on Speed.

Babies like black and white ladybugs.

Well thats good news. i got some neem oil the other day thinking they were nasty. glad i didn't use it.
they must have been into it, i ended up with 2 living on the plants for well over a month, they turned completely green, and only moved on when all the shade leaves fell/pulled off.
i was gonna say... i thought there were only 2 major varieties... "green marmorated stink bug" and "brown marmarated stink bug..." never saw the colored one!!! pretty cool! here where I am the browns population are skyrocketing... it was covered at a farmer's conference this winter as the newest bad pest for fruit / food production... they did major damage last yer to my tomtoes cucs etc.... but they seem ok for mmj.... :)
May be the bugs they eat, have been eating the plant, and get they get a little buzz off it... bit like making reindeers eat fly agaric and then drinking its piss.
Around here we have stinkbugs but they don't look so pretty. They are nasty mean little shits that hurt crops most usually. That one when I first saw it appeared to be some species of lady bug beetle. I think its very pretty. Send me some.lol
bit like making reindeers eat fly agaric and then drinking its piss.

? never heard of THAT! but then theres always that coffe.... whats that stuff they feed to some wild cat then catch the shit and make real expensive "fermented" coffe?


They are nasty mean little shits that hurt crops most usually.

same here... they were talking about how difficult an insect they are to manage....