Just the Interviews, No replies....

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AFN-Proud To Be Different
Gardening Leave
Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Kippers for breakfast
This is a closed thread. It contains all the current Staff Interviews, but without any commentary. As you can see, they have evolved somewhat from a humble beginning.....Aunty was the very brave first up....

Enjoy, eP.
Aunty / Mossy / Owld Witch / The Gaffer

Q1. What were the original thoughts/ambitions when setting up AFN ? (and when was that?)

January 2nd 2011
This was the first thread on site.
Our original thought was to build a Safe place for Autoflower Breeders..and our ambition was never to have to Listen to an Auto Troll again..:biggrin:..without having an OFF button.

Q2. The medical aspects are particularly important to you I know. How has this helped you personally over the years ?

It Saved my Life.

Q3. has the undoubted succsess of AFN suprised you and what do you hope/envisage for the future of AFN ?

No Rules.
A Forum run on Respect alone.

Q4. If you could bend the ears of Prime Ministers and Presidents, what would you say to them ?

Nothing..because they wouldn't Listen.

Q5. What annoys you?


Q6. What makes you happy

A Happy Family on AFN.

Q7. Who is your favourite penguin on AFN ?

That New penguin..what's his name again..?

Q8. You recently moved to the "Good Life" on your Spanish Ranch. Is it all you hoped it would be ? Are the natives friendly ?

Nothing is Easy in Spain..but..Most of the natives are Friendly.

Q9. Insert your own question/s

If an Auto can produce a perfectly formed Ambered trich in 8-10 WEEKS..Why Wait..

Q10. And finally, what did you have for breakfast this morning. ?

Fresh figs (stolen)..parma ham wrapped round philadelphia cheese and a drizzle of honey.

Darn it, I knew I would miss one ! What is your bestist most fave smoke ?

Any Pain Killer..:smoker:

Thank you Aunty for being first up, and your nominee ...?

Next up.......SoH
Nammy, thanks for agreeing to being interviewed by a daft penguin. You do us an honor. First off, not so much a question, but we need to know about your user name. Obviously, even I can work out that you are a Vientnam Veteran and did your country proud. Your avatar also hints at injuries, physical or mental or both.
So, before we get to the interview stage, and with no false modesty please pal, would you like to enlighten us, as much or as little, as you feel comfortable with regards your military service.

" I was trained as a light infantry soldier but when I got to Nam they needed replacements in a helicopter company where I spend most of my time on guard duty on our perimeter watching over the choppers. I also did a little carpentry work when needed."

So, onto the questions........

1. What initially attracted you to AFN and the whole Auto scene ?

I can't remember how I found AFN but must have run into it while searching the web regarding weed. I found I could not grow outside where I live with photos because fall freezing temps.

2. How important is the medicinal aspects of cannabis to your daily life ?

Real important because it helps with sleep and also releaves the pain I have in both knees.

3. (Insert your own question)How old are you EP and were you born crazy or did it kinda grow on you?

I am 51 and was normal until I tried weed. Now sanity is a distant memory!

4. Nammy, there is hardly a day goes by without you logging on and posting. What keeps you coming back day after day?

I'm retired, and growing and being on AFN, is kinda my way of passing time by and having fun.

5. Do you post on any other sites ?

No,this is my home.

6. Apart from penguins, who are your hero's on AFN ?

No real heros but just some good friends mostly HT mod

7. How the F*£% did you get to become a moderator ?

A good friend that used to be a high ranking official got me the job.

8. You cultivate the impression of a cantankerouse old fart who is a real misery, and yet at the same time, a decent, dirty old man. Which is nearest the mark ? Or are you actually Bradd Pitt in disguise !!

I get depressed with the goings on in the world so to counter act this I act kind of nuts at times but it's all in fun if I can make people laugh.

10. What are your most loved strains of cannabis ?

Critical Jack, Budda Magnum,and NO 1 Mephisto Chemdogging.

11. What piece of advice would you give to a newbie ?

Don't rush things,listen to advice from experienced growers,and never give up because it takes time to master the growing of autos but some day it will all pay off.

13. And finally, what did you have for breakfast this morning ?

To be honest I just had a couple banana chocolate chip cupcakes the wife made. That's all I can come up with for now.
Thank you Nammy, it wasn't so hard after all. And the interview was pretty easy too. lol

Thanks to Nammy for being so open and giving us his time. I actually believe him !
And Nammy has nominated The Elvis as the Next Victim.......can't wait.......

Can I get the reciepe for those cup cakes ? Sounds yummy.....eP.
“Okay Elvis, thanks to Nammy, you are the next victim in the Staff Interview series. I am really looking forward to this one.
It is only since end of June 2014 when you joined AFN. Not much more than a year. And yet you have gained HT status and have more "likes" than one can shake a stick at.
You are a real example of how to become a forum monster.

Q1. What first attracted you to participating on AFN rather than the "competition"

I had a friend tell me about this "auto flower" that can grow very fast! I like fast cars!!! The first autoflower I got was a purple jem. Ive been hooked ever since .

Q2. Your growing has gone from strength to strength. Whom or what have been your inspiration ?

I credit Tang for making a great autoflower feeding schedule, and that helped me understand the plant a lot more..

Q3. Which seedbanks or breeders tickle your fancy at the moment. In other words, what strains are you "All Shook Up" about.
I really like Herbie as he is very honest and has fresh beans.. also nice freedies.

Q4. What's with the "ELVIS" thang. Is Graceland all it is cracked up to be ?

The Elvis thang started when I needed a "rock star" name because AFN can never know if im really a Rock star or not.. maybe I am!! Mossy and Goauto6 gave me the name..

Q5. Does Mrs Elvis share your passion ?

She allows it!!

Q6. How important are penguins to AFN ?
very!!! The AFN was built on penguin poop edit that!!!LOL

Q7. You often post yummy pictures of your daily diet. (on the private HT parts of AFN) (sorry folks) Who is the cook at Gracelands. You or Mrs Elvis ? Would you please share a recipie with us ?

Oh I cook all the time PM me for my over baked garlic shrimp recipe!!

Q9. What would you say to Mr or Mrs TeaParty with regards to canna/drugs in USA ?

The Tea party? You mean the Obamas? Id ask them why are they playing games with peoples health???

*Actually I was refering to the right wing types(Republicans)but that is still a valid answer

Q10. How would you advise a newbie who wants to start growing ?

To read all the stickys..

Q11. Have you any ambitions with regard to breeding of Autoflowres ? Maybe a new strain called Heartbreak Hotel or Blue Suede Shoes !!!

Not really id rather build a 2JZGTE ..

Q12. I know you have a love of Muscle cars. Money no object, what would Elvis be driving tomorrow ???

hard question! JDM 1999 Nissan skyline R34 GT R or American Buick Grand national .. I like turbos!

Q13. Elvis had a known fear of flying. Would you ever consider a trip to the UK ?


Q14. And finally.....What did you have for breakfast this morning ?

Milk and a banana..

Thank you once again Elvis for giving us your time and an insite into the world of a HT legend.
Are you sure about Q14 ?? was it not covered in peanut butter, maple syrup, wrapped in bacon and deep fried ? Eh eh ?
We await your nomination........eP.
Hello chums, welcome to the next Staff Interview it's….Waximus. Yay !!!

I asked him for some background info so that I could tailor my questions. But, you know what, his reply was so cool, that I thought I would use it as an intro into the questions. This is his reply…...

“Ok, my most beloved Penguin...

I have a pretty varied background- Up until an unexpected downsizing at the beginning of this year, I was an IT Director for a US National health policy think tank.. So, I've done business casual, while simultaneously being a medical canna caregiver to 3-4 patients, simultaneously lolol
I have been a touring/performing guitar/mandolin songwriter in the New England states, and a couple national tours, though that lifestyle is a cruel mistress when you get into your 50s- I'm 53 in a couple months
I build/design/enjoy stereo and guitar tube amps, and have done that for about 10 years. I collect vinyl records, and keep about 1500 LPs in the living room collection.
I've known Lady Waxi since we were children, and we reconnected via Facebook, in 2011. In 2013, We moved here from Texas, back to our State of Maine, and have been growing together ever since.
I've met 2 AFNers in person, so far, and both were the finest kind of human
I'm in the (intense, and foreign) process of setting up a Blog site, and establishing a presence in New England cannabis consulting/advocacy. We have a small group that are creating a canna medicine "sub-market" that we call Elder Canna Care-less high, more healing. Also, we're working on recipes for Pet related Canna Care- a biscuit for the doggy that will ease arthritis, or hip dysplasia pain, without using pharma
So, there's a few angles for you, Bruv! lololol
Let me know if there's anything else that might help
some love”

So, there was no point in me editing that, as he so eloquently did his own intro. So, onto the questions.

Q1. I hear that Lady Waxi is now in the Cannabis industry. Can you tell us a little about it?

Yes! And, in Maine, that's a small industry at the moment lol
She is a horticultural assistant for a Maine Dispensary. She' mainly doing bud trimming, but also gets to learn cultivation techniques during the slower times. To quote M'Lady... "The BEST job I've ever had!"

Q2. Put some modesty aside and name drop some of the guys or gals you have met or played music with.
lolol Let's see...

Met (and "housed" overnight) all of the band REM, before their first record came out, back in 1982. Several years later, I crossed paths with Peter Buck and he remembered that night!
Shared a stage with:
REM, Eddie Money, Cheap Trick, Robin Lane, Richard Shindell, Lucy Kaplansky, The Waybacks, John Eddie, Wall of Voodoo, Rod Picott, Slaid Cleaves, Eric Taylor...
Best meeting Ever? I met Jimmy Page back in 1990, in Vancouver BC. He introduced me to David Coverdale, and invited me to the studio to hang during the recording of the Coverdale/Page record. Outstanding humans, both! There's something to be said about walking up to a famous person and asking, "So, what brings YOU to town, this week?" lolololol

Q3. Like myself you are in the business of care giving to some patients. Tell us about your tinctures and Green Dragon please.

We have been working on glycerin tinctures- both slow/steep and fast/cooked methods, for a couple years now. We've had unimaginable success with their medicinal uses for pain, spasm, MS, diabetes and arthritis.
The Green Dragon is a steeped extraction using Everclear grain alcohol. NOT for the weak of constitution, for sure! I have a coupe family members who suffer from sleep problems, and a half a dropper of the GD will induce sleep within 30 minutes, for them- and they'll remain asleep for no less than 6-7 hours. It has really changed their lives! For me, it is just barely swallowable- I prefer a neat Bourbon over a pure antiseptic with a grassy chaser... lolol
Both Lady Waxi and I cannot WAIT for legalization, so these medicines can be sold and researched even further!

Q4. What is it I hear about your DIY Drip system ? Please explain……

Honestly, it started as a learning experiment. I wanted to try coco- you always hear nightmares about how hard coco is to grow with- so I was reading threads by (AFN members) JAYAR, Truu, and others and decided to jump in!
I made a drip system from some DIY plans I'd pieced together, and BOOM!! Its the best/fastest/easiest method I've done yet! One gallon smart pouches, feeding on timer from a cooler... It really takes a lot of day to day work out of growing, and when producing for patients, THAT is a huge improvement in service!

Q5. Here is a canna political Magic Wand. Wave it and say…….

OH... I WISH I could wave it to put Bernie Sanders in as the next US President!!
The sane arm of American citizenry has pretty much HAD IT with oligarchy and the propaganda of out government, and its HIGH time to change focus, clean up the riff raff, and start supporting the REAL workers in America! Death to the Oligarchs!!! lolol (And, THAT is the sum total of my political input to AFN... lolol)

OK, now onto some frivolous questions…….

A1. Your fave plants to grow

The "next" run! lol I'm constantly popping a half dozen different strains, and its rare that I find one that I don't like. The Faves? Anything Mephisto- GREAT genetics and potency; Greenhouse Chemdog and Blue Velvet will always be in rotation- outstanding meds, both!; I just finished growing out Dance World from Royal Queen Seeds and I am entirely impressed with it! Outstanding pain meds, unmatched flavor, and what a hoot to watch it lank out- even after multiple torture sessions!!

A2. Had any disasters ????

No real disasters, but ever once in a while "something" pops up, or doesn't, as the case may be...
I've had a couple of accidental pollinations, but even those have proven to be happy accidents.

A3. Tell us a secret or something really embarrassing!

I'm extraordinarily fearful of insects....... I know.......
I am allergic to bees, so there's that, but other than allowing a dragonfly to light on me now and then, Waxi is a "no fly" zone.... lolol

A4. Would you consider sex with a she penguin ?

In my rock and roll years, I would have considered sex with anything! But, alas, experiences, both transcendent and mind numbing, have settled me on just the lust and protection of Lady Waxi :)

A5. And finally, what did you have for Breakfast this morning ?

I'm a habitual breakfast eater- toast, egg over medium, bacon or sausage, cheese... 2-3 cups of Military Armament Grade Coffee, and Waxi is mobile!

Waxi thoughts:

When I came to AFN, I was pretty disheartened by the kind of "community" I was trying to be a part of at grasscity... From day one, I have felt like AFN is Home! And, I know a bunch of Peeps here feel the very same, too.
If you're new to AFN, take the time to get into journals and read up on what PEOPLE are doing with this magic plant! Ask questions, start doing it, and before you know it... a cyber Penguin will be asking YOU what embarrassing things you have done, before breakfast! lolol

Thank you for the interview, my Beloved Penguin! And, thanks to everybody here who make AFN the special place it is, every day!

Well I told you so ! Wasn't that just a great insight into one of our staff members. I feel like I know him like a brother now. It is just such a shame that he is only 4ft 11" and has the worst case of acne in the known universe. But you can't have it all. Unless you are a penguin.
I know you enjoyed that and huge thanks to Waximus for the time and effort he put into this. Love to Lady Waxi too.


It is my pleasure to do Brimans' interview. Behind the scenes, he is one of the most generouse and helpfull chaps one could ever come accross in life. He asks to keep his generosity of spirit quiet. That is the kind of chap he is, and I will do him the honor of saying no more.
Like me he is a Libra, and likes quiet walks on the beach. Oh, hang on....that is our Match.com intro....

Gotta start with the obvious.....

Q1. Why the name Briman ?

Briman-how I got this nickname. My first name is Brian. In highschool, I use to to stupid things. Things nobody else would do on a dare. After I would do these stupid things, my friends would say, "you the man". Which quickly turned into Briman.

Q2. Your Avatar is a trout if I am not mistaken. (You can do the Canadian tourist Board a favor now) is hunting and fishing your hobby ? To have your countryside must be just the best.
Off you go.....tell us all how great it must be to live where you do......

I hunt, hike, walk the dogs. We have a cabin in the woods and I am a trout bum! Love to fish and catch trout, I release them all. Love shooting guns, boating and anything outdoors.

Q3. As you know, I just got a rescue dog, "Billy" who I adore. Are you a pet person ?

Of course. 1 golden retriever, 1 chocolate Lab, named Bo and Aero (and a few hundred fleas who's names escape me!) Only joking, they are adorable.

Q4. When did you first come into contact with cannabis and the whole growing lark ?

First started using cannabis for recreational use in my teens. I came from a big family. 6 Uncles and most of them grew cannabis. When they went on vacation, they asked if I would tend their gardens with explicit instructions. Was told if the plants were well taken care of, I would reap the benefits of free weed. My dad was not into cannabis and never knew, until I told him about it, sitting in the hospital talking, when my first daughter was born.

Q5. What is your prefered method of taking the Herb ?

Tinctures are my prefered method of taking cannabis, but have recently gotten into making Dabs from Dry Ice hash and a hair straightener. I recently bought a Vapor Brothers 11 concentrate pen and a Vapor Brothers VB2 concentrate vaporizer for home use, with a nice Grav bubbler. If you have the money, The VB2 is leap years ahead of its time, but the price point will turn alot of people away, but well worth every penny!I never liked smoking from bongs, pipes or joints, but with flowers, all I used to do is roll Zig Zag cut corners. Its the heat/combustion that I didn't like.

Q6. Family. How much/little do you want to share....?

Married for 7 years, but been together for 20.( I hve commitment issues:biggrin:) My wife does not smoke, but tolerates my hobby. I had 2 kids of my own and she had 3 of hers, all the same ages 5 total and are all out of the house. One big mixed brood. We are currently empty nesters.

Q7. Auto's ??? Why ? Which ones ? Where next ?? Discuss...

Love doing the testing for seedbanks and breeders. Made a few of my own strains, but Love them all. Autos and Photos have their place and purpose in every garden.

Q8. Got a favorite quote ? Other than "Pay it Forward"

Favorite quote: Never look down on someone, unless you are lifting them up.
Favorite color: Purple-I love my purple budz!!

Q9. Pet hates/dislikes

Briman mis-understood this question. It got lost in translation. I was not referring to pets. It is an English way of saying, what are the things in life that you dislike.
Also, as the original answer was scathing to say the least with regards to certain flightless birds, I shall save you dear reader from the filth that he typed !

Q10. You have a magic wand. Wave it and say "......


Q11. What was it about AFN that got you hooked and keeps you coming back ?

Started AFN in 2013, but peeked at the site for 6 months prior to joining. One of the first people I met here, was GA6. Started greeting folks in the Intros and helping and chatting in journals and was asked to join the High Team and kept helping folks. I also like to mentor new growers. Shortly after, I was asked to be a Moderator and graciously accepted. I love this site over the others, because it has the most friendly atmosphere, vibe and everyone willing to help. I visit other sites, but AFN is home.

Q12. Do you think a penguin could ever become President ?

I do , but I would vote for the Erect-Crested Penguin for my own personal reasons.

Q13. Your first grow ?

My first ever personal grow was a cut from an uncle that he named Wicked Wanda. It tasted like citrus oranges and was a one hit wonder, put you in the couch hard. I went to autos about 3 1/2 years ago, and am now playing with photos and autos. At current, I have a Reserva Privada Purple OG18 at 3 weeks into flower and she looks good. First photo I have grown in 3+ years.

Q14. And finally, what did you have for Breakfast this morning ?

A slice of Ezekial bread with my "magic honey" recipe on it, a banana and a hot cup of orange flavor Natural Calm.

As I am sure to have missed something, please put below anything that you want to pass on to our dear readers that I may have not asked. Over to you chum.......

"Pay it Forward"

"Penguins are just the most beautiful creatures that God ever created"

"Don't tell the wife, but I starred in a porno film once !!"

Well thank you Briman for your honesty. And I do beseech you dear reader to try out the "Magic Honey" that Briman refers to. It is in his signature. Some of the above answers were made up by me. It is up to you to work out which ones !

Of course, the next question is.......who is next ?
Hello chums ! Welcome to another exciting edition of the occasional series of Staff Interviews.
Of boy, do we have a treat for you with this one. You will have seen this guy popping up all over AFN as his experience is wide ranging. He has a great sense of humor and is good to his wife. (He rarely goes home !) I'm joking, we have here one the original AFN guys who has been here from the get go.
It is my pleasure to offer up for public scrutiny......REBEL's Interview.
(Round of applause please)

Q1. Why the name Rebel, and the Home School valethingy

The name just suits me lol I've been a Rebel in many aspects of my life. I come from a family of Rebels. In a way we all have a bit of a rebellious side! It's why we're all here isn't it? LOL I consider myself a Home School Valedictorian because everything we learned in school is bullshit lies so lol I've educated myself on many things and will never stop. You can never stop learning. I've managed to go pretty far in life with just a high school diploma and no college so I just take pride in being self taught in many things.

Q2. How did you first find AFN. ?

My Lady actually found AFN and I was told to join and learn how to grow our own. We were fed up with getting ripped off with high price schwag and considering how much we smoke we couldn't afford our habit off the streets LOL so we became self sustainable... I believe she found it off google or bing search to be honest. We had bought some SnowRyder off DopeSeeds back then, when he used to ship over the pond, and she was trying to find out the best way to grow an auto because at that time autos were pretty much brand new.

Q3. You must feel special as you joined right at the start. And you are still here. What keeps you coming back ?

You know that's a good question because there aren't many of us who have been here from the beginning and stayed. This place taught me how to grow, Joe Dirt specifically (may he be resting and smoking calmly in peace!) This place was here for me when my father passed away and I was on the verge of being a basket case. In many aspects AFN is more than just a grow forum for me. It's been therapy for me in many ways. I could go on lol but I think you get the idea. There's no place like home.

Q4. What are the biggest changes you have witnessed since the early days ?

Oh man... well... the biggest changes I've seen are actually with the Autoflower itself. It went from a joke to being taken very seriously. The market for autos has gone from extremely small to enormous. All the big name vendors are getting in the game. That's good and bad in my opinion. Good because we're finally being taken seriously and bad because the market is flooded now. But there's an ebb and flow and I hope the gear will get more stable down the road. It's incredibly hard to stabilize an auto! So I would hope to see some more stable lines down the road.
As far as AFN itself changing... mostly it's just been certain characters come and go. Certain events that almost took the site down but AFN has always been bigger than one person so you can bend us but you can't break us that's for sure! Over all I think AFN itself is a beast of it's own. Has it's own spirit. So as long as the true vibe can maintain then it will always be. The day that vibe goes away and we become the likes of the other sites then that's the day I will bow out gracefully.

Q5. What is it about Auto's that gives you that special feeling.

The speed! Autos themselves have always sparked my interests because of the time it takes to grow amazing bud. There is that old myth that Autos are not as potent as Photos but that's just rubbish. I have strains of my own that can compare to the potency of a photo. They are for sure out there! I will never stop growing Autos - EVER! LOL

Q.6 Do Photoperiod plants give you a boner at all ?

Oh they get the juices FLOWING just like any good ass Cannabis! I don't think you can be a true Cannabis lover and descriminate! If it's covered in frost I'll smoke it! And surely grow it as well!

Q.7 Lets go back to your first toke. Tell us all about it !

Well let's go back to November 1996... Rebel was a ripe old age of 16... I was working at a catering place on the weekends, where they had wedding receptions and shit like that lol well I was scheduled to get to work early to set up for this huge ass Thanksgiving banquet for some corporation or some shit lol anyway it was me and like 2 other guys. One of the dudes was known for being a total stoner. Always had shit on him. We got a break and this place was in a HUGE ass old log cabin type hotel with hidden passages and holes in walls LOL we found one of these nooks and crannies and smoked a couple bowls. He was ripped and I didn't feel anything at all! I was like "this is what everyone is so scared of?" I thought it was pointless to be honest! LOL I didn't get that "high school high" until the second time I smoked LOL but you didn't ask me out the second time! hehehe...

Q.8 Do you ever feel political about the laws surrounding Pot ?

well if you want to consider this statement political... I don't know.. .BUT my opinion is it's NOT LEGAL unless there's no restrictions on how much you can grow at home and and have in your home ready to smoke! They don't tell you that you can only buy 3 cases of beer at a time.... or even when people make their own beer or wine at home... Nothing tells you that you can only make so many gallons or have so many bottles... Listen it's all about MONEY. It always has been and always will be with these jokers in control. So to me at this moment... no place is legal.. Well except maybe Uraguay lol but who wants to move there?

Q.9 Here is the AFN Magic Wand. Wave it and say......

Merry Christmas! Shitter's Full!!

Q10. On to personal stuff. What are your non canna interests ? What makes Rebel get up in a morning ?

Wake and bake with my Wife every morning is what makes me want to wake up! LOL no seriously... I have so many interests... but really what gets me up in the morning is the realization that in an instant it can all be taken away. We all must live in the now and embrace each moment. And in those moments I love to blast my music! Rip away on my guitars... Run Co-Op missions with Stunted in Red Dead Redemption (my all time favorite game)... learning as many songs on guitar as I can. Pretty much it... Love, weed, music, and more love. What can get any better? Also the occasional ghost hunting.. but that's another thing... LOL

Q11. Have you ever seen a Penguin and thought "You know, I just might !!!!"

I just might what? LOL molest a penguin... absolutely not! I'd feed it some kind of fish and make friends with it! Penguins are bad ass! Amazing creatures they are...

Q12. What else do you grow in your garden ?

Well, I've grown cat nip LOL hey.. our cats need to get high too! I grew some bell peppers and Lacinato Kale this year... Tomatoes of course lol I'll be expanding this year... Oh and I was a temporary "Cactus Infirmary" for a friend for over a year lol he had 3 Prickly Pear Cactus near death. Took me over a year but I got them back to health! That was a challenge.. and fun!

Q13. I remember someone saying somthing about your crosses. Care to explain. I asume it has nothing to do with cross dressing !

No... cross dressing is not for me! LOL In a nutshell I got tired of the instability in autos -- wild variations of phenos -- wasting money... So I decided to cross our favorite strains and see what happened... Now it's all I'll grow lol Basically just made crosses that we knew we needed daily. Because Cannabis is truly medicine. In so many ways! That's the beauty of our beloved plant! You can create what you need to suit your needs. It's fucking AMAZING!

Q14 What scares you ? Got any phobias ?

Ignorance scares me more than anything. It's amazing how much a crowd of ignorant people can scare the fuck out of you! I used to be afraid of Spiders but after living in the woods for 5 years and being around large Wolf Spiders (about the size of one's hand) has given me a new understanding and appreciation for them... they are just as scared of me as I am of them! LOL And I tell them as long as they stay out side and out of my sheds they will live... Most listen, some don't LMAO! the ones that don't abide by the rules, well, they get a swift death... but oh man... when I do have to whack one I get way shaky it's pretty funny actually. the wife laughs at me...

Q.15 What was the happiest day in your life...?

Hmmm... I can't narrow that down to just one day... Too many great times in my life... But there was a day when the Wife and I were in the middle of Death Valley California and it was just us, a full moon rising, dinner and a coyote (that was wanting our dinner lol so we gave him some) that was probably among the most amazing days of my life. No one but us and nature. I remember that day like it was yesterday...

Q.16 Who are your hero's

George Lynch. Because the man is a Beast on the Guitar and has done what he wants to do for over 30 years, continues to make great music on his own terms. Rick Simpson because of what he's done for his fellow man. Ron Paul because of his understanding of true freedom, liberty and what this country SHOULD be like. And Rick Parashar for being the best music producer who ever lived.

Q.17 If you could have had any job in life, what would it have been....?

I had my dream job. Being an Audio Engineer and running my own Audio Department. Mixing live sound and working in a recording studio... Mixing a live 18 piece Orchestra every night for 3 years straight. Working with the World's Greatest Magicians for 3 years straight... The people I've met. I did what I wanted to do... I'm very fortunate and I don't envy anyone!

Q. 18. I know you are are a sound engineer of some repute. Please do a bit of name dropping and tell us who you have worked with.....

Well I started out workin for the Motown Group "The Drifters". I was a house engineer at the time and the owner had been recording their backing tracks for their Vegas shows (I moved from New York to Las Vegas at 22 to pursue my career in audio engineering. Apprenticing with a producer) that had me on the road with them for a few years running their sound. When we were back in Vegas I was working other live shows. I've mixed many... Hmmm off the top of my head I've done ac/dc, tool, Gladys night and the pips, Toni Braxton, kid rock, 3 doors down, pink, America.. That was assisting a fucking wiz of an engineer.. An old friend who is still basically the most sought out ears in Vegas...

Then I was also running a magic show... That was fuckin KILLER as well... I've met and toured David Copperfield's personal museum. I did a lot of editing as well. Music for magicians... Their act music.. I've worked with lions, tigers, cheetahs, cougars, ducks, etc.. Lol I should write a book...

Then I mixed a rat pack tribute show. We had the original door man the worked with Frank Sinatra. That was awesome listening to him tell Sinatra stories daily... 18 piece orchestra with 5 impersonators lol man that was a BLAST!

I have several guitars... Fender Strat, Gibson SG, Gibson Les Paul, Takamine Jasmine, etc... Lots of acoustics. I love certain tones. I love sound period..lol

Q.19. I am a massive AC/DC fan, I saw them in 1978. The Bon Scott years are just the best. I must have seen them 18 times.....What is your experience with the Aussie boys ???

Sure thing bro! Well it was at the Thomas & Mack center in Vegas.. I had just started at the magic show and one of my coworkers was working for a company that did the load ins and outs when bands came to town. They needed help so I was like fuck yes! Lol we set up the cannons for the "those about to rock..." And dude.. Those are REAL fuckin cannons lmao well you know! You've seen them 18 times! But just helped with the set up and tear down. Their crew was amazing! Real pros and just a pleasure to have been able to work alongside/for them... Didn't have much interaction with the guys themselves other than listening in on sound check. Peeking in on their gear while the techs tuned up and set up drums... But from what I saw during sound check they were top notch guys. Real professional and laid back really. Was great to see Malcolm in hind sight since now he's got dementia... This was back in 2005... Btw.. Lol
But dude you saw BON FUCKING SCOTT!! I bow in reverence...

Q20 And finally, what did you have for breakfast this morning ?

I don't wake up until well after noon LMAO so I normally don't eat breakfast but a few times a year honestly... but we had steaks on the grill with baked sweet potatoes for dinner! LOL hmmm. now I got the munchies...

Rebel, that was a superb interview. Thank you so much for the time you spent replying to my daft questions. I feel I know you like a brother now. For your own safety, I have edited out the bit where you described the shameful "gigalo years" and also the episode with the goat! It will be our little secret. And a possible means of blackmail. lol

AFN is where it is now, thanks to people just like you Rebel.
I am so proud to present Snipers interview. I have had a blast doing this one. It was hard work at times, but I could not have had a more honest and generous fellow to interview as our Snipes.....

Snipers prelude.......

"Alright let's see there's really not alot to me, high school drop out that fought with addiction and beat it without the help of any BS rehab .
I'm a gamer, a gun nut and a cat person. I hunt and fish. Had several near death moments wrecking atv's, but the last made me realize how I want to live. Money don't mean shit if your not happy and I'd rather be broke and happy than rich and miserable.

I'm single cause rule 1. if your single when you start growing your single till you stop or it becomes legal cause some people can't be trusted when they are mad.
(Amen to that...eP)

I suffer from cluster headaches and migraines and weed is great at helping with them and keeping them at bay, shrooms a few times a year help too.

I'm probably the only person on this forum that don't own any music never been into music much only played the radio in the car to drown out the noises the car makes.

I guess you could ask what my 3 wishes would be But like I said there's not alot to sniper"

Okay.....whay are your three wishes.....

Wish #1 world wide repeal of Marijuana prohibition

Wish #2 to travel through space so I can grow weed close to suns ;) more uv more potent

Wish #3 for the show firefly to come back :pass:

But we don't wanna stop there do we eh? There has to be more to Sniper than that.

Her is what I gathered from friends (sic) and collegues........

first off our friend Waira......


questions for Sniper's torment!

I know he has a few cats, whom he loves dearly,...
believe it or not, he doesn't have a PC either!
I don't know how he works the site on just a phone,..
not sure there's anything there to use!....
he's had a rough life of sorts, eP,..
he ruined his body working pipelines, so I think he's on disability,...
bad headache/migraine problems,...
but for all that, in the nearly 3 years I've known him,
he's one of the most stable, generous and funny guys on here, hands down!
I suspect he has ADD/ADHD, and struggled with education, but he's clearly quite intelligent,
...he's an interesting cat, and genuinely good people... OK, here's a little something:

Sniper, rumor has it that you're on your way to becoming a crazy cat guy (lady-*snicker!)...
Who coughs up the bigger hairballs? Your fur, or theirs?....
have you smoked catnip before?? ...have you had to be wormed before?

Well i have 3. Meryl, Dusty and Lacey
Meryl coughs up the only ones:D
Nope never smoked catnip but I do give the cats any males and fan leafs
Nope never had to be wormed either

And now over to Nammy.....who else could ask questions like this eh ?

Whats up my little buddy?
1.Were you ever a real sniper?
2.How old were you when you first had sex,by yourself doesn't count
3.How old are you?
4.What type of work do you do?
5.Does your wife smoke weed?

1. do you mean in the military ? No. I got i have bad knees that hyper extend with a deformation on the back of my knee caps

2. 17

3. Damn now I gotta count... 34 ish I don't really keep count

4. *** Answer Deleted *** Shame on you Sniper.....eP.

5.Not married

Okay, and now onto my questions.....For a change, I am not going to list the question, just the replies.
You will have to guess what I asked. Topics were dinner party guests, shrooms/acid, addictions and hunting.
Can't remember what the last question was ?????

Snipers Replies were.....
See I don't stay awake on shrooms I like to "dream trip" I eat 4 grams smoke a little weed ride out the fun
body buzz and then lay in the bed and off I go in to dreamland

Now the time I did acid was a trip. I had bought 2 gel tabs and ate them on the bus to high school. Well no body told me it takes a while to kick in so I go to my first class and bought another hit and ate it. Half way through the class the teacher leaves and we start getting up doing what ever and that's when I noticed it. The floor started moving up and down like waves. Class finally ended off to the 2nd class really, feeling it at this point. Amazing I even made it to class. Well make it through with no problems till time for lunch. See, I skipped out early the day before and the teacher caught me after I was gone, well I now had to sit in the room with only the teacher like 10 mins so I start watching the clock every time the sec hand
ticked the clock dripped on to the table the teacher is trying to talk to me my eyes are locked on the dripping clock try to figure out what time it is he finally said go. And I went to lunch. So outside away from the masses I went and spent lunch watching clouds. Third period was a test day, I didn't do to good on
it apparently. Drawings are not correct answers skipped. 4th period chilled in my buddy's truck, got home and sat on my bed watching the floor moving wondering when is this gonna wear off !!

That was probably 5 years before I got hooked on meth for almost 4 years daily till I did a shot contaminated with something and thought I was gonna die. Freezing, sweating, burning up covered in chill bumps, feeling of needles up and down my spine. I quit when I started feeling better. I cut out everyone that was part of that lifestyle. Had a relapse 3 months later and hated it. I gave a guy almost an 8 ball
of meth and said do it or flush! I don't want it anymore that was almost 10 years ago now.

Well first I'd invite all of afn to the dinner party then I'd invite Nikola tesla And get him to lay out how the global free power grid would work and what we need to do to make it happen. Then maybe we can have hoverboards that actually hover .

A perfect day hunting or fishing is any day you get to go not having cluster headaches and migraines.
As long as my skull isn't splitting it's a perfect day, a big buck or big fish just puts
a cherry on top.

Please ladies make 3 lines blondes brunettes and red head.


Oh yeah I caught a question from elvis in high team

What was my first gun and how old was I?

My first gun was a single shot 22lr lever action my grandpaw gave me on my 5th birthday

Was that just the most honest and revealing interview yet ? If you thought you knew Sniper before, I bet you have a different opinion now. I sure do. Many thanks to Sniper for being a stand up guy. Thanks to Waira and Nammy for the info and questions and bits of background on Sniper.
It is so obvious from the pm's I have received while doing this interview, what real love there is for Sniper. I know he will be embarrassed to read this, but the smiley says it all.......:bighug: eP.
The Full Duplex Interview in glorious Technicolor !

It is an honour to do this interview. It is long over due. To progress with AFN, it is important to know where it came from. What gave birth to the site we love n cherish !
One of our founding fathers is the guy known as Full Duplex. This is his interview.

1. FD, this is an obvious question, but how did it all start for you ?

SO...my history with afn, this is a long one. Back before the sites birth I was on RIU, it is where I went to locate how to perfect what I was doing. I used to mess with photos only, and like most, I didn't know or never heard of cannabis autflowering. It was new to me and it really, really peaked my interest. I was in a situation where I didnt have the room to run the photos that I wanted, and wanted to try something new. Something I have never done before. So I started looking into autos and found Joint Dr's version of the PurpleJem. I was taken in by the size and low odor and like most of us, lusted after color and that fit all three bills for me. So I ordered them through attitude seed bank. Once I got them I started them right away, and they took off for me. I'll never forget that. It was something special. So I documented the grow on RIU and then something magical happened. Someone pointed me to ICMag due to the fact of the strain I was growing. They thought that the breeder would like to see the job that I had done on my first auto. Little did I know this is where I would meet Mossy. I kept a journal there as well and she followed along. Then drama hit, ICMag came after us for "promoting" a breeder outside of their guidelines and if I remember correctly, banned Mossy from the site. When they did that I moved back to RIU and Mossy and I fed off each other there and I wrote the thread "The Art of the Auto." Before I knew it, I had a cult following there and the thread became its own thing.

2. You must have had to bat away some harsh nay sayers back in the day. There was a lot of negativity toward Auto's....

You can say that again !!! After a while we begged and begged the admins to give us our own section and they would not. We would repeatedly get bashed and mocked there about our autos yet we still wanted to provide the best information that we could for something that there was no information about. We kept that up for some time and watched other young auto growers (age isnt relevant) begin to get into the mix and grow great plants. Things blossomed from there, and then one day I got a mail from Mossy and Norther grower. We had an idea, NG went to mossy because she had the genetics, he came to me because I could grow my ass off and had a tech background, and he was the brains behind the web shit, and as you can see, still is. This was how AFN was born basically. We started small and pulled in all that would come over from RIU and ICmag. I started my threads here and getting everyone into the auto game. So my history here is long and I've been around since its beginning but have had a time or two out while life took me to other places.

3. As a former IT guy myself, I guess your name tag is IT related. Back in the day of steam driven modems, we would speak of Full Duplex mode.

My name, FullDuplex, is exactly where you got it from. I work in IT and it just made sense to correlate the name with something I do. After a while I debated on changing it and then I realized how much I would have to go through to change it as well as explaining to some who I was. So I left it alone and it seems that was a good idea. Most call me FD for short as you can see but it will never change. It has become part of who I am, almost a second identity.

4. I know from your adventures in breeding, that you lean heavily toward Indica, care to explain ?

Okay, so a little Medical history from me and it is the main reason that I grow. I am an adult that suffers from ADHD, all my life actually. I used to be on ritalin, adderall, and strattera. Not all at the same time but over the course of many years. The first two were in my teens and early 20's. I didnt discover pot until I was almost 22. I was raised in a sheltered home and wasnt allowed to do much with friends. I was just out of college when I had my first joint and I realized real quick that it made me feel more relaxed than any of the other meds I had been taking. So I started to look more into the effects of different kinds and started learning what would help me. I got into indicas real quick as it actually relaxed my body and mind and let me sleep.
I can smoke a sati, but they make me freak out, like my brain will race and so does the heart and imagination. I get super paranoid on them, so its counter active for me big time.
Most of my breeding is geared towards this, I chase indicas that will keep my racing brain at bay and let me sleep. I used to also chase them for pain killing for the oral issues I had, but now that I've had surgery I'm past that part.

5. Correct me if I am wrong, but did I hear you waxing lyrical about craft beers ? In the UK we have CAMRA, the CaMpaign for Real Ale. I bet you would be a fan ?

You bet ! I love a good craft beer. Most call me a freak, but the micro/macro breweries are a favorite. I'm a stout and ale drinker, oatmeal, coffee, chocolate, citrus, wheat, and so on and so forth. I like a beer to have good body, flavor, and stay power. Sure i like a cold budlight but if I am in it for the taste, lets face it. A coffee stout with a steak dinner is tits. (tits ?? eP)

6. Like many of the non city dwelers in the US, I would guess you are a country boy ?

You can say that again eP ! I love the outdoors
Avid in the wild, I hunt, fish, camp, and all that good shit. I have several place that I go throughout the spring to do each of those. Most of the time, all included. Helps clear the head, relaxes me more than anything else I think. I have a personal place in the mountains that I can get away to and that is my heaven.
(Amen to that, eP)

7. Have you traveled much around the US ?

Travel for me is a release, I get to let my self unwind. Most of the time I find my self going to the same spot and that is where I trout fish, but there are so many ways to get there. As far as the country goes I love to see new places, meet new people and eat the local food. Each time I travel for business or travel I eat the local restaurants. Everyone has chains but the real gems are the local food places that have been there for years. I love looking for those places. I've seen almost all the states here except washington, oregon, cali, idaho, alaska, and montana. The last is my next on the list as I want to fish up there bad.

8. Now then. This is the part of the interview where I have to give a WARNING. Some of you may want to be sick ! Some of you may want to cry and blub. Whatever......I asked FD about him and her.........Oh it so loverly.......

Ahhhh the wifey, yes. What a treat she is, and I mean that for real. I love her. It's that simple really. She been through some shit with me and has been right there with me through it, she's ride or die man. Down for about anything and enjoys the same things that I do. We are two peas in a pod. Now she does not smoke but will eat my edibles from time to time. We have a working understand of the whole thing and as a nurse she sees the way that the flower helps me rather than the pharms.

9. What is the best piece of advice you ever received, or would pass on.

"Lifes not about what you are or who you are, its about what you see in yourself when your in your final years and are pleased with who you are."

10. If you could change a part of your life, what would it be ?

Wow this question always gets me, I sit and think should we really change anything? Isn't it what got u where we are today? I guess if you can answer that second question with a yes then you wouldnt change anything. So with that said, I like who I am today and what I have become. If I were to change anything in my past it means that it would alter where I am today. I have been through some painful shit, and some hard times. But it is what you learn from them that make it valuable to life.

11. If you saw a penguin busking or begging for change, would you be kind ?

Hell yeah I'd help him, take him in get him some food and a cold brew that wasnt a 40 from the local grocery that is bottom of the tank stuff. Offer to get hin on his way and if he needed shelter put him up for a few nights to get him on his feet.

(If I were a skunk, would that be the same answer ???) lol

12. You have a Cannabis related Magic Wand. Wave it and say.........

End of prohibition, I am so sick of seeing the useless waste of tax payer money going after guys that grow a weed. Sure there are serious related problems like the cartel, but I don't think that would get worse. I think that it would make it better.

13. What does FD see the Canna future in twenty years time. Not your wish, but reality....

Reality, honestly, some sort of legalization. As well as an open market. I am sure that it will be a battle because of the big firms that would want in the industry. I think that will be a problem, people like Phillip Morris, Mylan Pharmaceuticals, hell, even Anheuser Busch given the close relation to hops and canna plant. If they get in it will be like Walmart to the local grocery. All the guys that have been doing this for years as well as fighting for it will be up against giants for production. But we all know the better they are attended to the better the harvest. I think massive production like that would seriously hurt quality.

14. Some of you may know, I like a bet on the horses. Are you a betting man FD? What would you wager on ?

I am not, never really have been the betting type. Every now and then I will pay for one of the mega lottery drawings when they get a certain amount but other than that, nothing. I know, I'm boring but hey I got other things I do with my monies. Like a wife !!! Now when I DO go to Vegas, I'll hit the craps tables, thats my thing there.

15. A. What scares you ? Any phobias that get under big bad FD's skin ?

Spiders, fucking spiders, I can do most things and it takes a lot to gross me out. I mean a lot, I grew up field dressing deer, butchering hogs, and so on and so forth. But nothing bothers me like spiders. I know its weird but we all got our things right?

(You big girls blouse !) eP.

16. Are you into music, films or books at all ?

Music is life, period. I like all kinds of music everything from Big Band music, to metal. I grew up playing it so it is hard not to appreciate it. Movies, most I wait to see at home, dont like dealing with the crowds most of the time. But you bet your ass iI was there on opening week of star wars.

17. Tell us a secret ! I dare you.......

Sometimes, I wonder where I would be if I would have never married the first time. What I would have done and where I would have gone........

18. When did you last have a good scrap or fight. (ones with the wife don't count!)

Three years ago, and I remember it like yesterday. Buddy calls to come pick him up at a bar, he is drunk and it is a titty bar. I go in, find him and we start to head out. Some guy looks at him wrong and he explodes for no reason. Before I know it, there is a brawl and I'm smack in the middle. Next thing I know, some dude sucker punches me ! I laugh and swing back. Heck, all I was doing was a good deed for a buddy, and he starts a fight in the bar. I never hit the floor, took a good few, gave a good few, and got escorted out by bouncers. Needless to say I've never gone back there AND stopped hanging out with him. I'm to old for that shit.

19. You can invite five guests to a dinner party. Not family. But alive or dead. Who is coming ?

Bill Murray, Robin Williams, Willie Nelson, Morgan Freeman, and Dan Aykroyd

20. Do you have a burning ambition before you kick the final bucket ?

Yeah, I do. There are two. Skydive and Visit Australia. I have always wanted to do both before I kick the bucket.

21. What question are you glad I didn't ask ? Then answer it !!!

How old I am .......and I'm still not gonna answer that one HA!!!! I'll leave that one up the the mystery.

22. And finally, what did you have for breakfast this morning ?

HAHA, which breakfast?? The one before I leave or the one after I get to work....
Peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread, and a ensure high vitamin shake.
5 egg whites and a yolk, cup of blue berries, Protein shake, and a slice of whole grain toast.
I'm a gym rat so i have to get my energy and recovery.

I know that I say each Interview is better than the last. I try to make it happen. But it has been such a pleasure to interview FD that I could have asked twetny more questions and he would have been more than happy to answer every one of them. Makes my job easy.

I asked if there was any final statement FD wanted to make...........This is his reply..........

I'll say this,
This place has been my home as far as canna goes. I have been a member at other sites, canna, and none canna related and still love the vibe here. Watching it grow to what it has become has been a pleasure in my eye. I have left time after time because of life and every time I come back its just the same as if I didnt leave. That says a lot about the people here and what we are all about. This place has become THE site for autos, I can remember a time when we were fighting for rank on google. Now when you search autoflower info, you come here. Thats all I ever wanted to see.

Can't say fairer than that. Thank you FD. In due course , we will need you to nominate the next victim, I mean, Interviewee.........eP.
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