Outdoor soil prep


Just me and my gnomes
Cultivators Club
Feb 5, 2021
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Far far too much
Hello all - I have a question on preparing an outdoor grow.
I will be growing at 39deg North, won't be around much to look after them, it will be hot pretty much all the time, there is spring water.

There is a nice clearing in the Chestnut grove, the soil in the area has never been chemically fertilised and I know nothing is coming downstream as it is higher up than pretty much anywhere else in the area. I planted plenty of citrus trees amongst other flowering fruits, and they are all doing very well with no additives or soil enhancers - just dug straight in to the ground. This will also be growing from Cuttings to make life easier at the start and get things out and up.

I want to know what would you do to the ground?
1 - Would you dig the whole area up with a digger and mix in various poo's amongst other things on a large scale then spread it out over the area
2 - Use massive fabric pots for each plant using a mixture of ground soil and amends
3 - Just dig them straight in to the ground

and i suppose, what is best practice to add to the soil outdoors for a low touch grow?

thanks muchly in advance
If it were me and I had equipment and supplies, I would do individual holes and pre amend them. A 2’ x2’x 2’ hole should do. That is approx 25-30 gallon size. If the soil is good already then light amendment. First couple grows might not reach full potential but in a few the biotics will build up. Lots doing organic no till grows on here. Water only soil with reamendments would be my route.
If it were me and I had equipment and supplies, I would do individual holes and pre amend them. A 2’ x2’x 2’ hole should do. That is approx 25-30 gallon size. If the soil is good already then light amendment. First couple grows might not reach full potential but in a few the biotics will build up. Lots doing organic no till grows on here. Water only soil with reamendments would be my route.
thanks, that is what I want to hear - dont know much about soil, but when I was cleaning up there a few months back the soil is untouched and had layers of nicely degraded matter, the soil itself felt very similar to what is bought, light and fluffy and very very black.
With respect to amends what would you go for - anything that should be used/added as standard

theres a company called dynomyco thats done some sponsored stuff with the forum.

they sell a version of mychohoreizalegam (check the spelling!) - some kinda fungus that promotes root growth.

ive never used it or anything like it, but the results looks pretty good. dropping cuttings into soil outside is a pretty solid use case also I believe. check them out at

If you have a good garden center near, they might sell their own organic soil. Then just give it the good stuff. Build-a-soil and other super soil starter kits are available. Already sounds like a good base. Just add some compost and worm castings. Once you get living soil you just feed the microbes and they feed the plant. Maybe a dry amendment like Dr earth or Gaia green to start it out and then your good.
If you have a good garden center near, they might sell their own organic soil. Then just give it the good stuff. Build-a-soil and other super soil starter kits are available. Already sounds like a good base. Just add some compost and worm castings. Once you get living soil you just feed the microbes and they feed the plant. Maybe a dry amendment like Dr earth or Gaia green to start it out and then your good.
Sounds like a plan, there is ample compost I can grab a few KG of worm castings easily enough - I jhave seen soil and worm poo grows on here and they work out grand.
Thanks for your help