Plants under Continuous Light: A Review

Great read. In the intro he touches on LD and SD photosensitive plants, but leaves out the Day Neutral plants. Cannabis is a Day Neutral species. I have looked and looked for information specific to DN plants and light cycle, but it is understudied because most cereal crops (where the money is) are studied to exclusion of most others. A lot of great info in there, thanks for sharing.
Honestly, I'm too lazy to read this entire article, but am seriously interested. Is there a definitive answer to the question? Can someone please paraphrase this article for me?
Great read. In the intro he touches on LD and SD photosensitive plants, but leaves out the Day Neutral plants. Cannabis is a Day Neutral species. I have looked and looked for information specific to DN plants and light cycle, but it is understudied because most cereal crops (where the money is) are studied to exclusion of most others. A lot of great info in there, thanks for sharing.
Hey bud just cruising through checking out the threads and I'm not trying to call you out or nothing. I think autoflowers are day neutral, and photos are short period. I'm trying to find where I read it at now. Bare with me lol
Good to see you here Frank!

Bottom line? well this is about understanding your plants and the mechanisms involved in their growth cycles. The simplest thing you can take from this is, a 24/0 light cycle may not be the best choice. Also, we need to figure out the DLI of Cannabis as this could help us optimize light cycles. I'm honestly still puzzling over this. If you really want to wrack your brain, look into the functioning of chlorophyll............

Whats the bottom line pop22?