Single accidental seed From Feminized Plant


Medical Section Advisor
Dec 13, 2012
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Hello AFN Peeps,

I got a Dinafem Cheese Auto plant a while back, and I have smoked on it now. I found a single seed from this feminized auto plant.

My question is, will this single seed be okay, non-herme?

Or is it "hit or miss" at this point?

Please let me know, as I don't have much experience in feminzed plants.


Was it the only plant in your growing space? I don't know anything technical about it, but you may as well try germ it. You've nothing to loose :smokeit:
You can never tell, it might be pollen from your neighbors house, there could of been a small nanner that you didnt see, could of been pollen from a grow 3 months ago...

I guess there is a chance, after I gave the Karma Dragon a shower after pollenating it, that maybe a tiny spot of pollen could have gotten on the cheese.

I will grow it out, if it is the cheese, I will know I think. If it is a cheese karma cross??? Let's see what happens. I wonder if I could actually do something with it if it is viable? Make Cheesy Karma, like an old variety show from the early 70's, Call it "flower power" ha ha ha. j/k

Not into taking things without permission though, so this is only an idea.

My thing is, I heard that a femmed plant will throw herme offspring? Or is that just smoke?

I don't need any unplanned pregnancies. ha ha

bye for now, and thanks for the help folks. I appreciate it.

If anyone has more to add on this subject, feel free to share your opinions.

bye for now

If you choose to grow that seed just watch the plant very carefully. You didnt say you had a pollinated plant moved in... Thats where it came from for sure, did you wash all the plant under the leaves under the rim of the pot? The dirt...everything. Its easy to miss.
I think its a self made seed. Only one would make me think so. I have a Berry Ryder that I cut 30 days ago, i think, but left one branch. See if she would make her own seeds. Dont know yet but she is so fat now she looks like she is full of them.
Sorry everyone for being tardy.

I can't find the seed now

That just goes to show all you youngsters the importance of proper labeling.

If it shows I will let you all know.

Cres and Hank, thanks for the input. There will probably be no way to tell. But now I have a concern. I heard that seeds produced from a feminized plance would or could Herme?

What do you think?

bye for now

Well if it isn't the love god himself! Sup Eek! I wonder the same thing at one point.