True Living Organics Defined by The Rev.

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Cultivators Club
Jan 24, 2011
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Another Good Article for those who might be interested.
Written by The Rev..:D

True Living Organics Defined

Hi good peeps and greetings to all the “OC” (Organics Cult) here at Skunk. In response to a few PMs regarding the core dynamics of True Living Organics (TLO) vs. any other form of gardening I decided to whip this out. I had no desire to engage Uncle Ben (UB) due to the fact he was not interested in listening to anything I had to say and was in reality here to troll me sent by another troll. But for you guys, no worries, glad to do it.

UB was always raving about soil chemistry and whatnot, and everything he said and knows revolves around that single dynamic and its relationship to botany. I agree with him across the board when dealing with that single narrow bandwidth style of growing and it is indeed very important to have excellent understanding and control of things such as pH and nutrient balance. The addition of synthetic nutrients makes this imperative due to the synthetic salts killing the micro life, who, coincidentally have been handling all these things for plants for millions of years. So you can see why my faith is strong when you talk about anything that has worked so well for millions of years heh heh.

In TLO it’s ALL about the micro life, that’s the style and it’s far from my invention. In TLO your primary focus is not on the plant but on all the soil life and in particular the micro life. With a happy soil-food-web of micro life all other soil life up the line is enabled to survive, in fact all the way up the line to us humans LoL! It IS a feel good style hahaha, and it’s about making the micro life feel good. They will handle ph and giving the plant roots exactly what they need when they need it. The nutrients for a greater part are immobilized within the bodies of the microbial life and through the course of nature, and predators such as protozoa, nematodes etc. are released for the plant to use in a pre-processed state of maximum availability. Now I don’t need to bore you with data regarding this subject matter, but I can recommend a great book on the subject by Jeff Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis called Teaming with Microbes; also, all the writings of Dr. E. Ingham on the subject.

If you kill off the micro life, they will not be able to do their job and unless the soil conditions are perfectly controlled your plants will suffer. Using synthetics will kill them utterly due to the nature of the nutrient delivery of those type of nutrients via synthetic salts; think of what table salt will do when poured on a slug and there you have it. It will hyper-dehydrate the little guys as soon as moisture levels in the soil-mix drop. In containers this is especially important due to the limited environmental boundaries and the inability of the micro life to come back from the surrounding soil such as in the earth growing would lend itself to. But the real beauty of Living Organics growing is that all the billions of microscopic life in each container or in the rhyzosphere of the plants roots are working hard for you 24hrs a day 7 days a week. All you have to do is a couple of things. First make sure you do nothing that is counterproductive to the micro life populations and do everything to enhance them. This includes but is not limited to, not using chlorinated water, this includes chloramines to a greater degree due to the fact chloramine is far more stable and cannot be simply bubbled out of the water like normal chlorine can. Also make sure your soil structure is “light” and well aerated because like most living things on this planet they require large amounts of air to breathe, as do the roots of the plants. Having compacted soil for example will actually cause the micro life to work against your goals due to the fact they will actually rob the roots of the available air. Synthetic liquid nutrients I explained above.

Your containers full of soil-mix work just like the planet earth does, supporting food chains and complex bio-chemical processes, and through these processes the plants benefit as do all the soil life and up the line. Discounting the micro life in organics growing is absurd to say the least. The complex relationships of the various players in micro land are off the chain complex and anyone wishing to understand more should do some reading and again for starters I recommend that book above I mentioned. But suffice it to say that things like the creation of organics acids like humic and fulvic, the transformation of ammonia (Nitrogen) to nitrates (Nitrogen) the wondrous ways the fungi and bacteria interact and protect the plant from pathogenic micro-invaders and in some cases actually physically put up barriers around the roots as Myco-fungi do; amazing to say the least.

How easy is it? Well here’s the deal my friends, and this is ALL IMPORTANT. TLO thinking is a full paradigm shift from anything synthetic, partly or in whole. You only need to make sure you have your bases covered on the nutrients the plant needs to be happy and healthy, and supply those in your soil-mix. This is not an exact science thing and being fairly close is all good; as I said,, put some faith in Mother Nature that she knows what she is doing for millions of years far better than any human could do her job.

If you choose to go TLO then go all the way, you cannot expect to get great results without having faith in Mother Nature. If you choose to go synthetic, well then why not go synthetic all the way? Synthetic is a very powerful and if using hydroponics is also quite simple. But choosing to cross over the two in a soil-mix is counterproductive and quite a complex choice IMO. Not to mention, if you have not had the pleasure of smoking well grown organic cannabis, I think you need to do that, then see what you think. I have been growing weed for 30 years plus, and I grow living organics straight up for the final results of connoisseur quality smoke, period.

Can you get larger yields using synthetics, certainly I think and you may see a difference of say 15% - 20% in your yields with synthetics vs. organics depending upon your skills with organics. In living organics you will see them just about neck and neck; however, in hydroponics synthetics you allow the plants to devote a far greater amount of their total energies to the upper plant because they don’t use it plowing roots through the “earth.” So in hydro-synth you can certainly get the best yields in my experience and opinion without a doubt.

Now here’s the thing, if you are a cash cropper, or maximum yields are what you are all about, or what you judge marijuana growing by solely, I would not recommend organics or even Living Organics, because it will take you some time to really have the understanding and skills to command huge yields from either, but don’t get me wrong yields are fine and dandy, just ask anyone who has pulled it off well, there are many of those peeps here at Skunk. But if you are about the ultimate highest quality of smoke that can be had in my 30 years of experience then this is the way to go absolutely, hands down without a doubt.

Do a little reading on the subject matter and it will help you to understand in more depth than I care to go into in this post due to the length this post would have to be LoL! I will post a link for you to get started written by very reputable sources in the field. In finishing I would like to say one more time that I didn’t invent Living Organics as a style, I only coined the name to represent the style better IMO. In synthetics it is all about pouring on (and subsequentially flushing out) massive amounts of nutrients in far greater ratios than the plant would ever use in order to get it to uptake a very small percentage of those nutrients. In organics it’s all about letting nature and life and symbiosis do what it has been doing well for millions of years and making everything 100% available; when using Living Organics you accelerate all these organics processes for supernatural results using faith in Mother Nature.

- REv
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