Happy Green Growing

Hello All,
Started my 2nd grow Aug 7th with expectations to improve on mess ups during the 1st! Seeds/clones for 1st grow was from unknown genetics, bag seeds! Provide a decent buzz, but didn't reach full potential after hitting nutrient deficiency.

Friend suggested Mephisto seeds for new grow and once sprouted, seedlings started off leggy due to lighting. Repositioned all in deeper soil with no growth, stalled for a week or so, maybe from over watering. But, today the girls look healthy! But, believe they lost 1-2 weeks development during recovery and maybe stunted. Please take a look at the photos attached and provide any helpful advise, all is greatly appreciated!

Currently, 28 Sep - Mephisto Genetic AutoFlowers SkyStomper 49 days, 3 Bears 48 days and Marley's Grin 48 days above ground!


Genetic Heritage Bear OG A.K.A Karma's OG (Karma Genetics) Cut x Triangle F3
Seed Type F6 Feminised Automatic
Indica/Sativa 70/30
Cycle Time 60 to 70 days from sprout
Genetic Heritage Skywalker x Forum Stomper
Seed Type F3 Feminised Automatic
Indica/Sativa 50/50
Cycle Time 65 to 70 days from sprout
Genetic Heritage SODK x Mango Smile
Seed Type F1 Feminised Automatic
Indica/Sativa 20/80
Cycle Time TBA

Grow Conditions
  • 4”x4” tent
  • Three 600W LED, Veg/Bloom setting, 18/6hrs@30”
  • Fan 24/7
  • Temp 75-80 degs
  • Humility 50-60%
  • 5gal aeration fabric pots
  • FoxFarm Ocean Forest Potting Soil
  • DYNOMYCO sprinkled during transplant, Solo cup to 5gal
  • Geoflora nutrients
  • Topped at 4th node
  • Sticky traps for small black flying pest and Diatomaceous Earth if needed
Grow Activities
7 Aug - Paper towel germination
9 Aug - Sprout to Solo cup of soil
10 Aug - 3B and MG popped up a lil
11 Aug - SS popped soil
12 Aug - all leggy - due to location without light
16 Aug - water
17 Aug - replanted deeper, added pinch of Dynomyco, 1/2 tsp of Veg and water
20 Aug - SweetCandy watered
21 Aug - moved AC Infinity Fan inside tent
23 Aug - 1tsp GFVeg and 1/3c SC; added humidifier
25 Aug - noticeable signs of growth day 14/15 after repot for leggy start; maybe stunted
28 Aug - all are on the stretch with 3B dominant, MG and SS looks like twins
7 Sept - transplant to 5gal, water, fed
14 Sept - 3B Pre-flower, pistols
21 Sept - 3B day 4 flower, All - day 42 above ground / 1/2c Bloom / 39oz SweetCandy water
27 Sept - 3B day 47 above and 10 bloom; SS/MG 48/47 above and day 4 bloom. Water meter still indicate moisture near 1/3 of pot, gave appx 11oz SweetCandy to moisten topsoil. LST - gently added two staples to 3B and four to SS lower stretching limbs

Currently, 28 Sep - SkyStomper 49 days, 3 Bears and Marley's Grin 48 days above ground!

Aug 19 - leggy seedlings repositioned lower is soil

Aug 27 - starting to grow


Sep 2


Sep 10 3B - moved to 5gal pot


Sep 10 MG - moved to 5gal pot


Sep 10 SS - moved to 5gal pot


Sep 18 3B - flowering


Sep 18 MG


Sep 18 SS


Sep 25 3B


Sep 25 MG - flowering


Sep 25 SS


Sep 28 3B - added two garden staples


Sep 28 MG


Sep 28 SS - flowering added four garden staples

Next page:


May I ask what lights your using. Three 600 watt lights in a 4x4 is tough for me to picture.
I'm only on my 4th grow, but I would recommend if you have stunting issues early, I would hold off on any other things that would stress them more, like topping or lst. Sometimes its best to just let those ponies run.
May I ask what lights your using. Three 600 watt lights in a 4x4 is tough for me to picture.
I'm only on my 4th grow, but I would recommend if you have stunting issues early, I would hold off on any other things that would stress them more, like topping or lst. Sometimes its best to just let those ponies run.

Hi Badfinger,
Wakyme 600w full spectrum brought about a year ago on Amazon, low-end, fairly decent price. Believe the stunting is due to legging from lack of light during germanation and then stall period after overwatering. Thought about tossing and starting over, but using as learning opportunity with interest of outcome. They have potential to produce something, if all the bud sites are any indication! Couple of weeks ago, considered the stress, but added small amount by snipping off 1st node and placed garden staples on 3Bears and SkyStomper bottom branches.

Day 58 above and 14/20 flower, taking note on what not to do on next run!

Hope your grow is going well and thanks for the advice!

Day 57/20 flower

Day 58/14 flower

Day 57/14 flower
I will say one thing I have learned, no matter how bad I screw up or how bad my plants look, some how I always get some mind blowing smoke off them. Therefore, once you pass the seedling stage, dont give up on them. They will produce something.
I will say one thing I have learned, no matter how bad I screw up or how bad my plants look, some how I always get some mind blowing smoke off them. Therefore, once you pass the seedling stage, dont give up on them. They will produce something.

Noted, hope I can do the same...
Hello Growers,
Over the last couple of weeks since last update, the little lady's remain little lady's! They never recovered from the rocky start causing "stuntation" (word creativity). Decided to let 'em do what they do and live out their dwarf life. Waiting on trichomes to turn amber for the smallest harvest ever seen. Hope cure goes well and produce some good :smoking:

Good learning experience on what not to do, can't wait to start next...

3BearsOG Day 73/36 flower



Marley's Grin Day 74/30 flower



SkyStomper 2.0 Day 73/30 flower

Hello Growers,
Decided to take down the little ones to make room for new grow! As you can see below, not much of a harvest! Cut these small buds to dry in hopes of a couple of decent sessions while current smoke is very low. But, learned and adjusted couple of things with tent RH, lighting and watering (not to do's) going forward. New seedlings are doing well, will start new journal next week and hoping for a better outcome...

Closing out this chapter as a failure!

Marley's Grin 83 days/40 flower

3Bears 83 days/46 flower

SkyStomper 84 days/40 flower

Until the next.....

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