mega crop

  1. Sir Chiefs a Lot1

    New Grower Chief's 2nd grow in 5 years! Fast Buds GSC under 1 Auto cob

    So as the title says, this is my 2nd grow in 5 years. My last one was partly successful as I harvested 1 of 2 plants. This time I am only growing 1 plant, but his time I have a wayyyy better light, grow medium, and I will be using nutrients this time around. Also bought a new tent today...
  2. iampepe

    Mega Crop, Sweet Candy and White Chem

    I have two White Chems in my compost mix using #3 nursery pots. They've only had water to this point. I plan to do 4 grams of MC and 1 gram of Sweet candy per gallon all the way through. Happy Growing everyone!
  3. Dabber

    MEGA CROP Bud Porn

    1st off :welcome: @Greenleaf Nutrients to AFN and if you haven't noticed yet the AFN & AFN PEEPS ROCK :headbang:. I wanted to start this thread for all MEGA CROP peeps to share pics of the beautiful buds that await them. So @pop22 @AJrexxx @Ripper @Samwell @F.N. @bushmasterar15 @Rebel...
  4. Rebel

    Rebel's Mega Crop / Greenleaf Nutrients CannaZone Test Thread

    Received my 2300g bag of Mega Crop today! HUGE THANK YOU to @Greenleaf Nutrients for their extreme generosity and for the incredible opportunity to test their all in one nute line! I will be using Promix HP as my medium. I will be running autos and photos simultaneously in this test. Using...
  5. wwwillie

    WWWillie and the Mega Crop

    Hey Now! Greenleaf Nutrients’s Mega Crop, I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz about it. Now I have been given the opportunity to try it out for myself. Pretty cool, thanks for allowing me to be a part. My package came today, efficient, discrete, just how you would want. Now what am I going to do...
  6. Ripper

    Ripper runs Mega Crop

    i started running Mega crop last week on 3.5 week old girls. Here are some pictures of them 3 days after their first feed. I have not had enough time to notice if there is a significant difference yet. Ps I started at 2.5 grams per gallon and with distilled water it gave me a perfect 6.5 PH
  7. M

    New Grower MrGoat's 2nd Indoor Grow, #2 Journal

    MrGoat's 2nd Indoor Grow Journal Greetings AFN::smoking:and welcome! Back for another great learning experience! I very much appreciated the great help and support on first indoor grow that I just finished up this past weekend. I learned my lesson on trying to grow 6 plants in a 4x2x5 tent, so...
  8. Dabber

    Mephisto Genetics Dabber's Mephisto Grow Show

    What up AFN this is my 1st grow of Mephisto Genetics 3 Bears OG please follow along and make sure I stay on point Thx popped on 12/20/17 @ day 5 @ day 7