Outdoor 420'z Forevercrazy OD Growtrain

2024 grow prep update - 04/15/24
  • ok kidz, it'z gettin close to that time again & a fresh batch of soil for the 2024 od growtrain has been mixed, amended & potted up :joy: not sure how it happened, lol, but i came up a lil shy on the total amount :doh: ....but what the hell, i guess i'll jus be growin four photoz this year instead of five :rofl: :shrug: i'll probly be startin em inside in another couple weekz or so & tenatively, it lookz like it'll be og kush, chemdawg, panty punch & gdp, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp


    Beanz planted :-)
  • ok, got antzy & planted me photo beanz las nite :biggrin: have started em inside & will tranzplant outside in 3-4 wkz ;) this year'z lineup is gdp & og kush, both from blimburn, chemdog from green house seed & panty punch from seedstockerz :joy: didn't soak the beanz at all this time, jus tossed em right in the dirt as is :rofl: will take a lil longer to sprout probly, but either way, the 2024 od growtrain is now boarding, so climb aboard & let'z grow sum weeeeeed! :yay: :growing: :headbang: ppp


    Update - 05/15/24 New
  • Chemdog photo (#1) Day 1 ...into the brave new world! :yay: :joy: this is the orig first chemdog bean i planted, like 2 weekz ago, lol :doh: i couldn't find it the other day when i dug around & then replanted, so now there'll be two....becuz, if u'll notice, jus below this one in the pic, the second one is fixin to sprout as well :rofl: :doh:


    and in other newz, to give u an idea what my grow area roof went thru with the hailstorm....


    yes, all thoze black thingz are patchez of duct tape :rofl: i had to do something, cuz the replacement panelz didn't show up again this week, which meanz havin to wait a whole nuther week, and of course, we got even more rain forecast ahead, so....argh! :wall: there'z still at least a couple dozen holez in that top section that i jus can't reach, but at least it shouldn't leak quite as bad now, so....:shrug: ppp
    Update - 05/18/24 New
  • Chemdog photo #2 (left) Day 3
    Chemdog photo #1 (right) Day 4


    Granddaddy purple photo Day 2 :smokeit:


    OG Kush photo Day 2 :smokeit:


    Panty Punch photo still tryin, but not there yet :doh: :smokeit:


    the od growtrain rollz on, more or less, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
    Update - 05/26/24 New
  • welp, collectively, they're between 10-12 dayz old now & as u can plainly see, they're jus....not....growing :wall: i'll give em a couple more dayz, then probly g'head & pull em & plant sumthin else....probly the new T20 beanz i got the other day....the panty punch never did sprout, so i replaced it with the new T20 Early Frost jus las nite....the od growtrain, such as it is, rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
