NEWS Archaic's illegal, prohibited, forbidden USA political post!

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Flushing is a myth!
Oct 21, 2017
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Currently Smoking
a corncob pipe
My fellow Americans, tomorrow is election day. I don't care what party you belong to or where you live - just be sure to get out and vote! I am not going to make any recommendations, but there is tons of information about Pro-Cannabis and anti-cannabis candidates online. Go out there tomorrow and make George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, the founding canna-fathers proud.
Hey guys, for starters we now have a section for Canada, USA, and Europe on the site, so any threads/post related to those areas can have a more nested home.

We're still scrutinizing how "political" to allow in these types of threads, and this thread was a great example of why it's hard to police politics online. I thought the original post was perfect honestly (and voting is actually what changes cannabis laws, not posting on AFN about how people that vote are stupid.) My local town actually just passed it so we can now have a medical dispensary (that wouldn't have happened without voting.) This week we're having an open/closed session to discuss next steps for the town and we're going to work on reforming our ordinances to make the town more grow friendly. So voting absolutely is a positive thing; maybe it's just a matter of perspective on where your vote is actually going (you want results in politics, start local.)

I'd ask some of you show a great deal more respect to your fellow grower and community members on here; there was absolutely no reason for some of the comments/replies in here and we'll be quite active in removing those that can't chill with our vibe here.

Thanks! Thread will stay locked since it was OP'd on the 5th of Nov; but please play nice and show some courtesy. :hookah::vibe:
We're still scrutinizing how "political" to allow in these types of threads, and this thread was a great example of why it's hard to police politics online.

:pass: Great Lesson huh @Son of Hobbes ....I've just read through it....back to the Drawing Board huh...?

No staff on site are going to volunteer to patrol this....:biggrin:..we don't pay Danger money...

Oh Well...Good the time....:pass:
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