Grow Mediums Autopots and Live Soil

Apr 6, 2019
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Ok guys I'm fixing to get my 2 single autopots system up and running... I'm thinking on doing an organic grow with live soil since all I'll need is just water in the Reservoir... Has anyone got any experience using live soil (super soil) in these pots and also, should I use a layer of Perlite and the airdome.? Anyway I need some good advice here from growers whose got the experience using these systems for live organic soil (super soil) grows...
Ok guys I'm fixing to get my 2 single autopots system up and running... I'm thinking on doing an organic grow with live soil since all I'll need is just water in the Reservoir... Has anyone got any experience using live soil (super soil) in these pots and also, should I use a layer of Perlite and the airdome.? Anyway I need some good advice here from growers whose got the experience using these systems for live organic soil (super soil) grows...
No experience really but i think its a fantastic idea!
Skip the perlite entirely just fill the autopot with your soil and maybe try the airdome! Im not running the airdome on mine and it seems to be just fine without
Thanks man... I think I might just skip on using the airdomes but idk yet. I've read a lot of threads today on the airdomes subject and some say use them but most say it makes no difference lol.! I've got 2 plants going already but they are in Coco and Perlite and man they do not seem to be growing like they would if they was in soil.! So, I've made up my mind that as soon as I get my live soil here then mixed and ready I'm going to transplant them out of that coco and get them into some real nice soil... I usually use coco as a filler with my soil but this time I went straight coco and perlite and I can tell the difference in the speed of things... Thanks for the input brother I really appreciate it... Lots of threads here on this subject but its almost overwhelming so I thought I do my own thread for some answers... I am a Mega Crop user as you already know but I just feel like doing a lazy mans grow this time.! lol man I get tired of mixing and feeding every day.! I've got an Alaskan Purple Auto going on growdiaries with live soil and I'm 6 weeks in and its showing no signs deficiencies whatsoever.!
Oh yeah man, i dug my kindsoil grow! Combining the 2 could make for the best relaxed lazy grow!
I think for me, on the subject of airdomes, i like that the autopot is power-free. No airdome no need for a pump and electricity!
Is there any difference in yields when using live soil vs liquid nutes though...? I'm just wondering if the yields will be smaller
Oh i dont know, i think more often than not info says organic soil leans more towards taste/quality versus raw yield potential of hydro/coco liquid nutes.
Im sure tho youll knock it out either way! And ya might even really dig the water only growstyle for a change of pace
I tried that organic living soil. You can buy it on eBay or Amazon they have one for autos and one for photos. I could not recommend either. They start well but can't finish. Plants got lighter and lighter in color. And they just didn't grow that good. Honestly I'm not sure they wouldn't have grown the same in just plan soil. Once I added MC to that plain water I got some action. But went into preflower with just plain water. Just could see they were not gonna make it. Hopefully you have better results with what you use.