Indoor Blackstrap - Gnome Automatics x Brother Mendel


Old Sailor with a new hobby!
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
My own shit, thanks to places like this!
Day 1 - Photos & Notes

This run is only about one plant: Blackstrap

As most people in this forum know, this plant oroginates from a collaboration between Gnome Automatics x Brother Mendel.

She is joining 3 other strains that are 40 days in progress in a 4 x 4 tent. Those four plants are being grown in AutoPots and fed by Jack's 3-2-1.

However, this plant is growing in a 3.5 gallon SIP bucket with GroBucket Guts feeding on FloraFlex. More on this later.

This is my first time running FloraFlex. They have a Sampler Pack that runs $55 or so.

FloraFlex Line Up.png

More on the Strain's Details

Lineage: Collabortion between Full Duplex's (Gnome Automatics) Anvil F7 x with Brother Mendel's Black Label Cookies III

I'll just copy and paste the other details (from Gnome's website):
  • Indica/sativa 50/50
  • Cycle time: 65-75 days
  • Dimensions: Depends on container size, 1 gal pots yield 2-3-foot plants
  • High Yield Method: 5 gal pots or Beds
  • Recommended Light Cycle: 18/6 or 20/4 (Will flower under 24 hrs)
  • Aroma and Flavor: Spice, bakery smells, and menthol
  • Lab Tested THC: 18-24%
  • Odor: High
  • Grow Environment: Indoor, Outdoor, and Greenhouse
If all goes well, it should look something like this:

Gnome Web Photo.png

Photo from Gnome Automatics Website



I created this meme to inspire me through the next 2 weeks.

I'm infamous for my excessive mothering.

My behavior with seedlings borders on Munchausen-syndrome-by-Proxy.

Bart Meme.png

I'm shotgunning a bunch of facts here, so to keep this post from becoming TLDR I'll finish here.

Germ Day 1 Use This.jpeg

More TDLR to come ...
How this Grow is Gonna Go

I mentioned earlier that I am using a modified version of the typical GroBucket setup.

In my case, it is a 3.5 gallon (13.25 l) bucket. I did this to shorten the soil surface where it matched the AutoPots already in the tent.

SIP Bucket.JPG

Above: This is what the final product looks like

Now Let's Take a Look at How We Got Here

Collage 1 for Wick.png

Collage 2 for Wicking.png

Collage 3 of Wick.png

Below: I took this picture a couple of months ago. The 4 AutoPots are now loaded with an eclectic group of plants.

The bucket goes in the middle. I'm running 2 x MarsHydro SP-3000s and between those two lights I was getting at least 45 DLI in the center with the lights almost 4-feet high.

4 x 4 Set Up With Empty Bucket.JPG

Just to bring everything full circle, here are the 4 plants this Blackstrap are going to be bunking with for a while.

Day 3 -- Helmet Wars Beging Today

I'm No Seedling Slayer (Yet)

Woke up this AM to what looked a 4-year-old trying to remove a t-shirt.

At least that's the way I saw this Blackstrap Seedling trying to shed that helmet.

So, I whipped out the camera and started having fun.

As for the Grow:
  • The Tent Conditions are perfect.
  • She's still in the Humidity Dome getting lots of humidity.
  • I'm going to keep the Dome in Play a little longer than I normally do.
  • By keeping her in there, it might help retard the desire to water her.
Get ready for some artsy-farsty photo fun.








Some of the pictures may look like duplicates, they are all idividual shots that I took to the Glamor Studio.

Day 4 - Photos & Notes

I woke up to what I thought was going to be a breech baby.

The helmet was removed just ofter last nights photos.

Then this morning I was expected two cotelydons to mimic Dumbo's Ears.

Except they were tightly held together mimicing a duck's bill.

There was a thin membrane still attached that was acting like the band on restaurant lobster's claws.

I removed most of it and thankfully this afternoon she was ready for some photo studio time.

Special Note: I have only given just a tiny bit of microbes and root stimulator. Plus, a few water spritizes to the face with the spray bottle.

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