Growing Mushrooms PF-Tek Taviddude style.


Mar 16, 2012
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This thread is going to be totally dedicated to growing mushrooms on PF-Tek style
cakes. Everyone has their own spin on this Tek, but I wrote this up specifically to give good results to people with no experience. I hope this helps many of my friends here at AFN. If you have any questions please feel free to PM me. I will be adding more pictures later as some have disappeared from my original post for some reason. I will also be re-working some parts to make them more user friendly. Enjoy!

Okay, the first thing we need to do is find some suitable canning jars. I Use half pint jars for a couple of reasons. Jars any bigger tend to stall, or just not completely colonize. Reasons for this are that the bigger jars will take longer to colonize giving additional time for contamination to set in. It also lets your jars dry out to an extent. More on this later. We want to use "wide mouth jars". If you use "small mouth" jars you will not be able get your cakes out of the jar when you attempt to birth them.
This is a good jar. Notice how it is even slightly tapered from top to bottom? This will make it easier to slide out the fully colonized cake.

This is the wrong type. You will not be able to slide a cake out of it.

So, after you have your jars you will also need get a few more supplies.
You will Need:
-Brown Rice Flour
This is what I use.

*You can also make it by grinding Brown Rice in a blender or coffee grinder.
- Vermiculite

-Micro-pore tape (medical bandage tape)
*Masking tape will also work in a pinch.
- Aluminum Foil
- Pressure Cooker that reaches 15psi.
*It is possible to steam sterilize, but it is sketchy. For this Tek we will use a pc.
- Latex gloves
- 70% rubbing alcohol.
- Cotton balls
- Lighter
- One clear see through bin.
- Two dark medium sized storage totes.
- Submersible Aquarium heater.
The first thing we will do is set up out incubator.
Take one bin, and fill it with 4-5 inches of water.

Place your submersible aquarium heater in the water, and set it to 80 degrees.

Next place your second bin inside of the first bin with the water in it so that it is floating on the water.

Put a thermometer inside of the dry bin, (I use a digital with an external probe that I put inside of the tub)and then put the lid on.

Leave it sit for 24 hours, and then check the temperature inside the bin. Adjust the heater as necessary to achieve 80 degrees inside of the tub. It is important to get your incubator dialed in before putting your inoculated jars in it. Too cold, and it will take forever for your jars to colonize. Too hot (Above 86 degrees) and you will be inviting contamination. Most contaminants like mold, and bacteria grow at these higher temperatures. Above 100 degrees, and you will begin to kill your mycelium. Above 105, and you will kill your spores. The ideal temperature for your incubator is between 78-82 degrees.

The second thing we will need to do is prepare, and sterilize our sub-straight jars.
First lets make the lids. Take a nail and hammer, and punch four holes into the lids.

Now get out a large mixing bowl and put 5 cups of vermiculite in.

Mix 2 1/4 cups of water into the vermiculite.

Now mix 2 1/4 cups of brown rice flour into the moist vermiculite.

We now have our substraight. This will be enough for about 12 1/2 pint jars.
The next step is to load this into the jars. Fill each jar up to about a half an inch from the top.

[DO NOT PACK THE SUBSTRAIGHT. Light, and fluffy is the idea. LIGHTLY tap the jar to settle the substraight if necesarry.

Fill the last half inch with dry vermiculite. This will act as a barrier to any airborne contaminations that may land on your jar(there are over 6,000.000 per cubic ft of air). This is why sterile technique is so important. It only takes two mold spores to ruin your grow.

Now put the lids on followed by the rings.

Now cover each hole/inoculation point with micro-pore medical tape. This will keep out air borne contaminants, and still allow for gas exchange.
Cover each jar with aluminum foil. This will keep the moisture content in your jars correct during sterilization.

Now fill your pc with 3 inches of water.
Normally your pressure cooker will come with an insert to keep your jars up off of the bottom.

I put a few rings under mine just to keep my jars up a bit higher away from the bottom of the vessel. If your PC doesn't have one, or you picked it up at a garage sale, and it didn't have one just Lay down a few jar rings, or a folded up towel to keep your jars up away from the bottom of the vessel. This way you won't burn your substraight, or allow the heat to crack your jars.

Now load your jars into the Pressure Cooker.

Close it, and turn the stove on high.

When the pressure cooker begins to release steam from under the weight turn town the heat slightly(enough to keep the weight rocking) and start a timer for ONE hour. After one hour turn off the heat, and let the pressure cooker cool over night. (if you pull the weight off while it is hot all the moisture in your substraight will turn to steam essentially wrecking the moisture content) You can not inoculate your jars while they are hot. It will only kill your spores. Even if the outside feels ok the inside can still be too warm. Just let the pressure cooker sit over night, or for 24 hours.

Now we will begin to inoculate our jars. For best results, this should all be done in a glovebox, or still air box. You can make one by simply cutting two holes into a box for your arms to fit in and doing your work inside. Shake your spore syringe vigorously to break up any spore clumps, and even out the spores. Put on latex gloves, and wipe hands with rubbing alcohol. Soak a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol, and wipe the lid of the jar focusing on the inoculation points. Sterilize your needle by using your lighter to flame the tip of the needle until it is red hot. The first few drops of spore solution will cool the needle.
Take the foil off of your sterilized jar.

Now shoot approximately 1/4 of a cc into each hole using 1cc of spore solution per jar. (REMEMBER to flame sterilize your needle between each jar to avoid cross contamination.) Once done inoculating cover each inoculation port with another piece of micro-pore tape. This will provide extra protection against contams, and still allow gas exchange.
Repeat these steps for every jar.

When you are done put all of your now inoculated jars into your incubator, and check them once, or twice a week for full colonization.
Wowie, I have no idea how I missed this! I happen to be fruiting some golden teachers on some cakes in my shotgun fruiting chamber right now!


Pins showed up in the past 48 hours and are popping out like crazy all over.

They get big Fast Man!
Golden Teachers are a good strain too. Very well rounded in all respects.
Nice narcotic, happy type buzz.
Sweet, I can't wait! I've just been eating the local psilocybes I hunt down in the fall for the past two years, I'm ready for cubes again.
Five days later and Fruit Ahoy! Had a couple of little patches of trich show up, but I ripped them off the cake and flushed them down the john. Might not stop full scale contamination, but I'm trying to hold it off long enough to make this productive, then bleach and iso for everything that won't fit in the pressure cooker. Sterilization is god. Anyway, FRUIT!
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Ms. Piggy and I are going up to the San Juan islands soon, we're going to enjoy some golden teachers on the beach. Oh boy!
Loving this thread fellas :grat: Can you guys point me to a website where I can get what I need as far as spores??? Also how long is the process from start to finish??
:slap::slap: Max rep for both of ya!!!!!! :smokebuds:
Great job! I used the PF Tek first and then went directly for monotubs after buying a pressure cooker ($$$). There's a little bit of a learning curve, but it's a simple process once you get it running.

I usually buy from sporeworks. Ralphsters is another well known place. I got caught up in what does what and what yields this or that. It doesn't significantly matter. I went with B+ and Golden Teacher the first couple times. Then, I ventured out from there.
I would recommend the lil shop of spores. Good prices, discrete shipping, large variety and good customer service. B+ are fairly easy but mine took awhile to colonize