Harvest now or wait? Too many clear trics but plant is degrading?

Jan 16, 2021
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Well, I am ready to chop! However, I am not sure my plants agree . . .
I am fine with being patient; just concerned I might chop too late.

This is my first grow ever. Here's the situation:
  • 3 auto plants in 3 gallon fabric pots (Northern Lights, Gelato OG, Blue Dream)
  • Mars Hydro TS1000. 20" above canopy
  • Soil--Plagron Royal Mix (a rich soil) with top layer of topsoil
  • Planted January 5
  • Current: Today is day 91 since planted and 7th week of flower!
    • Now watering about every 3 or 4 days as needed until run off.
    • No nutes as of Day 77
    • 40 to 50% rh; 70 to 80 F
    • Trics: Checking 6 to 10 bud sites daily, I see about 0 to 10% amber and 30 to 50% clear! No more than 50% cloudy. (I have had clear and cloudy trics since at least day 70).
  • Goal: About 30% amber. I am fine if it's 0 to 50% amber--not fussy, it's my first grow!

So chop now? The problem is that there are a lot of yellow, shriveled up leaves. I am concerned because based on the photo below, one experienced grower (20 yrs) said they are degrading and even with over 50% clear trics, I should chop now. The plant seems to be screaming "cut me down out of my misery." (I know leaves turn yellow near end of life but this doesn't look like any photos I have seen of "ready to harvest" plants. And these are three different strains!) To put it in perspective, those leaves are very small--the largest is less than 2 inches. The plant heights are 7 to 9 inches. (I stunted them in veg.)

Newbies like me can harvest too early, so I was waiting for a lot less clear trics. Sorry I have no tool to get microscopic photos. (NOTE: The photo below makes the leaves look a lot more green--they definitely are more yellow than this photo shows!)

Question: Harvest now because the leaves are so yellow and shriveled and it's starting to degrade. Even tho' I have 30 to 50% clear trics? As I said, I don't mind waiting and really am not fussy about how much amber.



  • 4-1-2021 All Three (2).JPG
    4-1-2021 All Three (2).JPG
    473.6 KB · Views: 197
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Don't understand the word 'degrading'...it's the 'degradation' that makes it what it is. It's not an art, it's more a window where plants will perform what they will....With 3 strains, it's a perfect op to snip a bud off each at different times and then you'll have a lot more info for yourself....
Some of us old stoners like a wake up bud, some like a couch lock amber...you need to find your own preference. Patience to properly dry and cure is key.
Lot of fun documenting 3 strains, mostly hybrids, different nuggs, different times, etc....
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    points: 10
    Best advice ever, curing makes perfect :-)
at the very least another week imo
Don't understand the word 'degrading'...it's the 'degradation' that makes it what it is. It's not an art, it's more a window where plants will perform what they will....With 3 strains, it's a perfect op to snip a bud off each at different times and then you'll have a lot more info for yourself....
Some of us old stoners like a wake up bud, some like a couch lock amber...you need to find your own preference. Patience to properly dry and cure is key.
Lot of fun documenting 3 strains, mostly hybrids, different nuggs, different times, etc....
Well, I like the idea of sampling three strains. (I am an old stoner in a different way: First started in 1971 and smoked a lot through the 80s. But few times after that . . .Back then, whatever my friends sold to me, I smoked. I had NO idea what I was smoking. Never even thought about smoothness or aroma or taste! You just coughed and then found food. (Oh, yeah, I had to decide some thinking: I had to decide to play Moody Blues or Led Zeppelin or Traffic! ) I am "an old stoner" from long ago. So I am excited to get started with being a "new stoner" again.

I get what you mean by the art and the window! I guess I am asking has anyone waited way too long--when it's fully degraded, hasn't it lost all potency? Thanks for helping this "old stoner/newbie gardener."
The clear you're seeing may be trics on leaves... without a scope, it's a guessing game that takes patience. Pay attention to bud trics.
Plants do continue to ripen after chop.

I started combusting in '70 so I know where you're coming from. Now I only smoke my own so I KNOW what's in it. Back in the day, some were known for lacing pot with 'who knows what'....

I actually pick a plant to let go beyond my preferred harvest window just to get the heavy narcotic that I use certain times. Several of us older stoners with painful maladies are quite fond of 'over-ripe' flowers.
Thanks. Yes, I am using a scope and looking at buds not leaves--as far as I can tell--because the trichomes have those trunks with a heads on top. (Sorry, I don't know the actual name.) I have patience. Just don't want to harvest so late that what I end up with his a waste. Thanks!
Thanks. Yes, I am using a scope and looking at buds not leaves--as far as I can tell--because the trichomes have those trunks with a heads on top. (Sorry, I don't know the actual name.) I have patience. Just don't want to harvest so late that what I end up with his a waste. Thanks!

first of all, NL is a notorious long runner by default, lol, uzually goin 100d minimum, so... ;) secondly, no matter how much milk or amber a plant may have, there'll alwayz still be clear trichz mixed in as well at chop time...jus like there'll almost alwayz be white hairz continue to pop out right up til harvest...it'z all simply the built-in las-ditch survival traitz of the plant is all ;) and thirdly, all that really happenz if u go a bit late is that the cbn content will quantify, which in turn givez more of the relaxed couchlock....when trichz go amber, they're dyin off, and at a molecular level, the thc is converting, or "degrading" into cbn as part of that natural process ;) ppp
The plants look good to me, better than most of mine in the last few weeks. Maybe your friend seeing dire problems is used to photos, not autos. I presume our plants cannibalizing their remaining leaves and sepals is perfectly normal, with the nutrients in the leaves taken up by the buds. 'Degrading' in last few weeks is normal, even desirable, with autos.

Simply just harvest when you get to your desired amber level. [Although to me, your target of 30% seems excessive, too much THCa lost to oxidation, too much cannabinol. If you want couch lock-type effects, maybe you really should be growing more Indica or other specific strain plants known for these effects].

[I think @420Forever citing THC "degrading" to CBD (cannabidiol) is wrong, with THC naturally degrading, oxidizing, to cannabinol (CBN), which is generally not considered desirable. CBN is essentially the active agent in old 'stale' pot].
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[I think @420Forever citing THC "degrading" to CBD (cannabidiol) is wrong, with THC naturally degrading, oxidizing, to cannabinol (CBN), which is generally not considered desirable. CBN is essentially the active agent in old 'stale' pot].

mmm, right u are & my bad :bow: what can i say, it'z a bitch bein a stoner & playin alphabet soup sumtimez :rofl: :jointman: i'll fix that post forthwith ;) ppp