Indoor How low (maintenance) can you go? Blumat and Kindsoil test

Harvest day for two of the ladies in the closet. WOOO HOOO!!!!

But, first as long as I've got to take her out of the closet to get at the other two plants in the back I might as well get a full plant shot of the Automazar at day 55 and still a little ways to go.

First to get the chop today was the Blue Amnesia XXL. This plant had me seriously thinking that one of those rotating blade bud trimmers might be in my future. And there's still LOTS of trimming to go after the drying is done. The smell is wonderful. Very sweet tinges to it have a light hint of maybe some berry.

More shots:

Next up was the Devil Cream Auto. Smallest and quickest of the bunch. But I'd also have to say she seems to have the thickest, most solid feeling buds of the two as well. Super strong berry scent coming off her, and a nice dark purple that washes out in the pics a little with the flash.

More shots:

Still the one plant going strong, but overall so far very pleased with how everything worked. Few issues with some yellowing and burning on the leaves, but not nearly as bad as on previous grows so I'm headed in the right direction. I think I may look more into Eye On Fire's thoughts on mixing down the Kindsoil to mellow it out a bit, and in fact have some soil "cooking" now from the pot that a seed never germinated in that had half a bag of Kindoil still in the bottom. Will likely start something up with it one everything's done drying in the tent.
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Pulled the Automazar today to setup a couple other pots for the next grow in the sides of the closet. Got a couple shots of her while she was out.


Hit her wtih some molasses a couple days ago to see if it slows some of the yellowing/fading. Feel like she's running hungry for something and the sugars are supposed to be able help "recharge" the Kindsoil by getting micro critters going again. Hard to say if it made much difference, may have waited too long to take corrective measures.
Thats an Auto Mazar and a half right there. Nice growing dude.
Broke soil toady on what I'm dubbing part two of the first Kindsoil grow.

I'm doing a sort of "retaylor" and re-use on some lefover from the order with the Automazar and the other two that recently finished up. I originally started out with two bags split down to half a bag each in four pots. Then topped 'em off with a bag of Roots Original (so roughly quarter of the bag in each). Well, the fourth pot never had any of the seeds I tried germinate, and then the other three got big enough to just let them have the closet to themself.

So...I basically still had half a bag of the stuff sitting in the bottom of a pot with part of a bag of Roots over it. They sat in the tent out of the way for a couple weeks, then I decided to start experimenting with it a little. So, I took the whole pot, Kindsoil and Roots, and dumped it all out into a 5 gallon bucket. Then to help "recharge" things I tossed in a couple handfulls of earthworm castings and wet it all down a little with a mid to strong strengh batch of Earth Juice Molasses for Plants. Let that cook for about a week in a closed bucket out on the patio in the sun, watering it down again mid week and mixing it around every couple nights. Took that and filled the bottom of two Root Trapper 5 gallons, then topped off with maybe half a bag of Roots Organin to about what I'd guestimate as 4 gallons or so in the 5 gallon pots.

Hoping to start and run the last couple Auto Berry Bomb seeds I've got in the soil using the Blumats. The Automazar is getting close to finishing up, so they should have the room they need by the time they're ready for it in the closet. The last few got pretty good sized, and I'm hoping these will surpass those. First one sprouted today. Still waiting on number two, but only sowed the seeds yesterday after they had soaked for a few days so still could be a few days.

BIt sudden, but decided after sleeping on it overnight to pull the Automazar and give her the chop today. Seeing a fair amount of cloudy trichs. Not many, but enough that I think she's close enough. With the rate the leaves have fallen off the last week, I don't think she's got much energy left at this point anyway. Plus, if anyone was hoping that the high intensity of a good COB light rig would help with stretch when you have to keep the lights high up for other plants in the space, they don't. My little two day old Berry Bomb seedling is stretching like mad so I needed to also figure out a way to get some light closer, and pulling the big plant was the easiest. The second Berry Bomb seedling popped overnight as well, so would have been seeing the same if I hadn't done something. This is excatly the type of situation that makes we want to get off my duff, find the cables I want to use and re-wire the light rig to allow for lowering each haning COB individualy of the whole.

Anyhow...couple quick shots of the reconfig and the stretched seedling..

Annnnnnd....our Automazar lady. Really nice smell. Not as strong a smell as the other two, but think that's just a strain thing.


Seedlings growing along nicely. About a week old now and leaves starting to get nicly sized. First nodes getting going as well.

Been a while since I updated. Posted pics up in the Kindsoil Commune and forgot about the journal thread. lol

Anyhow...the two Berry Bombs are taking off excelent. At about day 17 and starting to show pre-flower pistils already. Was hoping to hit these with the new tea's that I picked up, but ran into some problems with the brew bucket. So going to start another batch later today and should be able to hit them with some tomorrow or Thursday. Think they're too far along for the new roots tea at this point so going to try out the veg growth tea.

Plant 1:

Plant 2:
Quick update. Both plants are growing well, but very different. Got one that's tall and lanky and one that's short and bushy. The short bushy one was originally the one that got stretched when it first sprouted and the lights were still up high. Not sure if that was the contributing factor to the difference in the two, but it's the only environmental difference. It's also a couple days older than the other.

I've started giving them a once a week supplement. Last week was the veg growth compost tea mix from TLOSoils, this week it was a light batch of the Earth Juice OilyCann cal/mag supplement. I'm going to alternate between the two, going into the bloom and finishing teas from TLOSoil as the plants mature. So far they seem to be digging them. Hoping that and the modification to the Kindsoil will make these some super happy plants. :smoking:

Plant one, 27 days:

Plant two, 25 days:

Group and bud shots:
Both ladies still growing nicely. Getting kind of interesting comparing the two with the one on the right being a much shorter, more tightly spaced plant while the one on the left has grown tall and lanky.

Gave them both a does of compost tea last night. Alternating between a weekly does of tea and cal/mag supplement. Might start doing the cal/mag every week with the next tea depending on how they're looking in a couple weeks.

Plant 1, day 35:

Plant 2, day 33:

Group shot: