Indoor Love this strain.

Calyx they’re looking good. Lots of bud set.
Next couple of weeks will be fun. Marley’s Grin
Is an interesting cross. I’ve grown a couple Night Owl Mango Smile crosses and they were both nice plants. I have some SODK seeds I’ll run in the fall or spring.
Thanks buddy. I’m super impressed with this set. I especially like the time the girls took to veg out before really getting started with flowers… largest autos yet by eye, will have to see what they end up with. Thanks again. How long was the run on your SODK?
I haven't grown any yet. I bought a 3 pack a couple months ago. I've wanted to grow it
for a while now. I'll have to wait until October when I start growing again. Just too damn hot
to grow in my garage here in summer. I'd grow some outside this summer but
my wife is concerned with what the neighbors would think lol. It's cool, I can wait
I've got more weed than I know what to do with anyway lol.