Dosidelirium & Dosidelirium X Iced 'N' Baked Amendment Day


To stay ahead of the demands of stretch, both ladies will receive a soil amendment today. I will be mixing into the topsoil: 2 Tbs of Diatomaceous Earth, a half Cup of Worm Castings, and a half Cup of Fox Farms Fruit & Flower.

Thanks for stopping in!
Pigletta's Purple Haze
Day 21

I moved her into the GG 3x3 today. She's basking under the Medic Grow Mini Sun 2 320 Watt, at around 275 PPFD. She seems to be progressing, but still seems as if she has bit of a slower clock. Yesterday I gave her an amendment of worm castings, Neptune's Harvest Organic Kelp Meal, and Diatomaceous Earth.

