Return of the Mush Room

Thats me calling it like it is. Ive done many shrooms and everything else thats an old school shot caller thats reformed saying i find it insulting. Have any of you seen one of ur friends stab another friend and almost kill him because he was tripping on shrooms n thought our other buddy was a wolf attacking his chickens? Have you ever had the devil tell you to kill ? Shrooms right their. If ur a dark person they take you to dark places. These are real true trip stories thats why i say its bull shit no shrooms this is a weed site.
Obviously you have a reason not to stop in this subforum.
Choice is yours.
Wow! Hard to find a forum this active! Newcomer here...old schooler there... life is! I would love to be a part of a mycology thread (old school stoner, but started to create with mycology before MJ).

Just to comment on Jc's paradigm...yes any tryptamene can take people to dark places. Psilocybin typically is not a purveyor of violence, however when the person who is taking it is an extremely violent person it will (in it's journey to strip ego) create an emotive response to the fear of the unknown and illicit responses that (without the presence of a guide) can ultimately end up in violence. That is why it is important to understand what it is that we are taking. A bunch of brash youngsters in any setting experimenting with drugs is typically a bad environment to be in.

I have been doing a lot of research in Psychedlic Therapy, and am part of a lot of forums that focus on such, and would love to field any questions that people have! Nice to meet you all!
Thats me calling it like it is. Ive done many shrooms and everything else thats an old school shot caller thats reformed saying i find it insulting. Have any of you seen one of ur friends stab another friend and almost kill him because he was tripping on shrooms n thought our other buddy was a wolf attacking his chickens? Have you ever had the devil tell you to kill ? Shrooms right their. If ur a dark person they take you to dark places. These are real true trip stories thats why i say its bull shit no shrooms this is a weed site.
Those are some really bad life experiences. We debated whether or not to allow this thread. With all of the new medical uses for Magic Mushrooms proving to be positive in Post Traumatic Syndrome and other mental disabilities we felt we should. Many PTSD sufferers use cannabis for the problem and this thread is here for them. Education has to start somewhere.

I personally have had many great experiences over the years with my friends and I very hallucinogenic on shrooms without any of the negative behavior you speak of. It is unlikely you will change your mind with such strong negative reinforcement in your past. Please refrain from entering this thread.

Thank you :toke:
I am new here and use Cannabis for medical reasons.
I have been researching using psilocybin mushrooms for health issues as well.
Not sure if my voice counts, but would like to be invited if this does become a private sub-forum.
i heard ya :pass:
hmm private sub forum or not.. :shrug: bho is in a private sub forum,alls needed is a request to join,,,,more of a safety thing,fingers are easy to lose and dont grow back.gotta use a bit of common sense :paleo:

I could have swore i was on the autoflower network a marijuana web site. I wonder how many true business people will want to b associated with shrooms? Im a professional business owner n i want no part in this. Maybe a shroom site might b a more appropriate place for this. I would like to see this go away i find it offensive as a true marijuana enthusiast. Which is what this site is intended for.
AFN home of the autoflowering neywork..........should we stop any mention of photoperiods,or should we embrace ?should we close the music/live stoners/cooking section...any other topic thats not autoflowers ?
I am interested in exploring this again from a therapeutic view as well as exploring consciousness and perceived reality under the influence of. Not to mention cultivation techniques. Should be a lively section of the forum. If it is offensive to the majority I will go with the popular vote. Mods rule I assume. all bow to the mods...:worship:
i think AFN is a bit more grown up than other sites....go to other canna forums and they got sections for acid,coke n alsorts.
we are a bit more grown up in that our.....or i think our intentions are microdosing :coffee: and not shoveling hundreds of raw shrooms into our faces like we may have done on a camping trip when we was young.
i think the word im looking for is responsible :eyebrows:
keep er lit
I am new here and use Cannabis for medical reasons.
I have been researching using psilocybin mushrooms for health issues as well.
Not sure if my voice counts, but would like to be invited if this does become a private sub-forum.

i heard ya :pass:
hmm private sub forum or not.. :shrug: bho is in a private sub forum,alls needed is a request to join,,,,more of a safety thing,fingers are easy to lose and dont grow back.gotta use a bit of common sense :paleo:


Thanks, appreciate it!
Thats me calling it like it is. Ive done many shrooms and everything else thats an old school shot caller thats reformed saying i find it insulting. Have any of you seen one of ur friends stab another friend and almost kill him because he was tripping on shrooms n thought our other buddy was a wolf attacking his chickens? Have you ever had the devil tell you to kill ? Shrooms right their. If ur a dark person they take you to dark places. These are real true trip stories thats why i say its bull shit no shrooms this is a weed site.
the experiences you talk about are one of the main reasons i think a place to talk about shrooms and how where when to use them is important better to have people informed of the risks along with benefits than having no clue also i think this section will be more geared towards the medicinal side like micro dosing and Psilocybin therapy rather than eating a fist full of shrooms and well ya know where that leads
I gotta say I've had a migraine now for over a week and it is agony, the pressure in my skull and the severe cognitive issues that accompany it are enough to make me wonder how this doesn't cause long term damage.
They originate in my brain stem, and I went half blind driving home on the highway two days ago. Not fun.
I'm already on a very new medication I inject myself one a month with, long term unknown and it IS helping, but when I have a bad spell like now man it is horrid.
Anyway my point is, it is safer if there is a place where I can gather info from people I already am familiar with rather than do as Archie states and start cramming weird shite down my craw in desperation? I have no desire to trip out, in fact it scares me, but I would love to see if micro dosing will ease a life destroying condition.
I can't convince anyone who hates the idea of it, but no I have no desire to join a mushroom forum, and I will do anything to alleviate my suffering and anyone else's.
Just my :2cents:, not even sure it makes sense my brain isn't working too well..
This is a great topic already as it is bringing different view points out. I decided to do a quick search and found this site on medical studies of Psilocybin for depression.
This link has references to many studies.
This is another study by well known US facilities and organizations focusing on spirituality and helping people gain meaning in their lives.

There are far too many studies out there to mention them all but this should indicate that the stigma associated with so called hallucinogenics is changing after being maligned by politicians and the mainstream ( unfairly in my opinion ) from back in the LSD days when things did get out of hand.

Can Mushrooms cause damage and lead to extreme behaviour if used in the wrong way. Absolutely!
Brings to mind a commonly used drug that has in my experience probably caused more damage then any other in history by it's misuse, yet it is still entrenched in societies around the world.
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I could have swore i was on the autoflower network a marijuana web site. I wonder how many true business people will want to b associated with shrooms? Im a professional business owner n i want no part in this. Maybe a shroom site might b a more appropriate place for this. I would like to see this go away i find it offensive as a true marijuana enthusiast. Which is what this site is intended for.


For starters let me apologize if anyone here has made you feel like you're being attacked; that's not once been a goal or intention of this thread. Having opinions on both sides makes for a healthy debate and discussion with things, and something that we -should- be welcoming if we can keep things civil during that process.

To point out a few things, we actually have discussions about psilocybin dating back to 2011 on here. You are correct, we're not a mushroom forum (and there are WAY better forums out there if you want to deep dive into the mushroom culture, let me be the first to admit that (because it's just true.)) That said, we made the decision YEARS ago to collate the mushroom threads into one spot and give those that -want- to partake in the information a place to do so. Those that don't want to, don't have to view the information.

It was maybe back in 2016 we decided to actually remove the Mush Room forum, not by any repeated request of anyone in the community, by rather guided by MY hand. I actually thought at the time pretty much the same thing you did; that this is a cannabis forum and maybe mushrooms don't necessarily belong on a cultivation forum for pot. To be honest with you JC, I think I was wrong. I feel like there's been almost an overwhelming surge of activity for psilocybin as medicine in the news and media, showing very promising results for people with depression, PTSD, and other ailments. Yes it's a taboo topic, but also a taboo topic that we've allowed on-site since our inception.

We have considered adopting the same policy as we do for the Butane Honey Oil forum on AFN (which most people don't even know exists.) It requires agreeing to a short disclaimer on safety and requires admin physically turning on permissions to even allow viewing/posting within it. This was done because we had members posting some questionable practices for making BHO (and at the end of the day, we don't want to see anyone blow themselves up or start a fire, even if they deserve a Darwin award.)

I'd have no problem taking your comments into consideration in terms of making the Mush Room forum that type of access (and it's a few simple clicks for members wanting access.) If you'd find that a fair compromise, I think that's fair on our end (and something we'd already considered, much for reasons like you've suggested.)

I do not believe that the discussion or even use of psilocybin is any indication of "professionalism" with business. The same stigmas and stereotypes that followed cannabis around for decades are attached to mushrooms, but we know now that many doctors, lawyers, and business professionals use cannabis (and finding out a good percentage of them use psilocybic mushrooms for the same reasons.) If businesses or companies don't want to work with us on AFN because of this one particular discussion forum (which I find highly unlikely,) then they probably are not a good fit for a cannabis forum anyways.
Gotta Ask a Question...... :pass: ...who tells us that it is the psilocybin in Magic Mushrooms that is the Active ingredient..?

Who tells us it is the THC/CBD or any range of cannabinoids in cannabis that make them Work...Who...?...and do we Trust them to be telling us the Truth...or are they trying to Blind us with Science..?

Coz I'll tell you what my Homework says...

The most common drugs we misuse ourselves..

Tobacco..cannabis...and even your magic mushrooms

Through to cocaine..heroin..even methadone..

to the Prescription drugs the licenced drug dealers peddle....(doctors)..:biggrin: ..codeine..morphine...

Every single one of the contains one common ingredient...Alkoloids.







It Always comes back to Alkaloids.....:pass: ..commonality... maybe we Are all talking about the same medicine after all...and we are just being Blinded by Science as to Source...

Thoughts to Ponder...:pass: