

Cultivators Club
Feb 17, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
I grow to provide medicine to family and friends in need.
Anyone know a good seed source for Salvia?
Anyone know a good seed source for Salvia?
Do you mean Sativa? A quick google search turned up many vendors for salvia.

ScreenHunter_257 May. 05 15.10.jpg

Blue Salvia
Psychedelic Salvia. Yes. Not garden variety Salvia.
You can teach an old dog new tricks. I had to look it up. I must have been past the drug stage when this became a thing. The google info says it is mostly propagated by cuttings. I know nothing!

ScreenHunter_250 Apr. 10 22.20.jpg
seeds are always best. Once established in the yard dividing them like lillies or hostas is best. 2 plants become 4 etc
I know quite a bit about salvia, I actually spent some time talking to Daniel Seibert, the leading expert on Salvia Divinorum, almost 20 years ago :hump: I actually purchased salvia from his site lol.

It's a bitch of a plant to cultivate from what I've read/understand, and as stated you can order seeds but there is a very limited window for viability with them and no guarantee the source is good stock of seeds either.

Salvia can be consumed orally, smoked, etc, and often it's concentrated to bring out more of the effects.

You MUST HAVE A BABYSITTER WHILE CONSUMING SALVIA. BE SAFE. You will literally exit rational thought while consuming it, the potential to do something accidentally is real, just please be careful.

It's a shamanistic plant, it's not meant to party with.
I watched a buddy and his son try Salvia. This was about 20 years ago. After they smoked some they were both comatose for about 15 minutes. When they came around they both said that they had weird dreams and my buddy pissed himself. The plant was purchased from K-mart. They both swore never again. :dizzy:
I have some Salvia from Seibert ( It is weird though. I think it was mislabled. It was sold as the palatable strain (Blosser strain), but when I got it, it seems to be the "hoffman and wasson" (the Bunnell) cut. I used to grow both ~20 years ago sourced from Theatricum Botanicum, a now defunct (I think?) nursery in California that had a really amazing entheogen selection. Either way it is expensive from them and came with scale insects all over it.
Hardest trip ever was in HS. Bong rip. Exhale. Bong rip. Instantly in a circus for 2mins. The next 15 was bizzar to say the least. I would never do it again. Lol.