New Grower Seeds Stateside..?? -_- heLP

Use alias for seed order to friends place?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Nov 7, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Soon to be some Bloody Skunk Auto(SweetSeeds)
Been doing some research and think I have decided to go with AliBongo for beans in the states. Quick question though, do i use real name? Should I use alias for my bean order with bongo? !st time beaner since cheech moved out.....All opinions and tips are welcomed.
I wouldn't sweat it, I've never had an issue of any kind. But if ya do, don't pick something smart or funny, your trying to call less attention to it.
I have seeds sent to me monthly. Never any issues.
I have seeds sent to me monthly. Never any issues.

In the states? What form of payment if you dont mind me asking? I went thru Ali Bongos card processing system "Payofix" to have my card declined after a week of waiting -_-
Stateside beans please heeeeeeeeeeLP!!!:baghead:x:wall:=:snow1:
Seriously. There is no worries. Worst case scenario, your beans are confiscated. It happens but VERY rarely, never to me. There are numerous companies for stateside delivery. Look at the sponsored company's here, you will find some gems. Check out Mephisto, arguably the best autoflower breeders. Good luck and don't sweat it.
I vote for Mephisto Genetics too. Just be aware everything's "out of stock" right now, but I suspect it's just temporary. They've been swamped with black Friday orders and they may just be waiting to see what inventory is left over. I know one grower who ordered $1400 worth of seeds. :peace:
Thanks for the heads up guys. Any word on seedsherenow or have some stock in other options i would be happy with ....