Day 38: Finally getting pollen; APBE picking up steam New
Day 38: Finally getting pollen; APBE picking up steam

The males are all dropping pollen now -- BW2 (massively intersex) is dropping a lot, BW3 (slightly intersex) and BW1 (not intersex) have just started. I did a branch on BW4 with each, and I'll collect a lot more from BW1 over the next week and save some single-use tubes in the freezer for later grows. Despite their intersex traits I think it's still worth sacrificing a small branch each to still make seeds with BW2 and BW3, because for all I know BW1 has some other bad trait(s) I won't want to get stuck with. Oh well.


The full tent. And it is very full, though there is plenty of air circulation around them and a few feet of headroom.


The Pakistan Ryder is still stretching -- it's 17" tall now, last post it was around 14". It's also getting clusters of stigmas on the tops. It's a few days behind the others and may run longer than the WWbx1s and BW, but the BW males have taken long enough to drop pollen that I'm going to have them all going for another five or so weeks regardless.


Meanwhile, WWbx1#1 seems to be done stretching, but the branches are filling in.


One of WWbx1#1's tops. :biggrin:


Bobby's Widow #4 is also done stretching, but staying short and wide.


The Sweet Trainwreck is also still stretching, now 18". It's about a week behind the others, and growing in a narrow vertical column between BW4 and WWbx1#2.


WWbx1#2 is flowering hard too, maybe a day or two behind #1 but ahead of everything else.


Meanwhile, in the other tent, the auto purple bastard eater is picking up steam. It's on day 9 from sprout, though I used a different germination process and that might change the timing a bit. Usually I soak seeds for about a day and a half, then plant them once a radicle emerges, and they take another 2 or 3 days for the germinated seeds to sprout. This time I planted a heavily scuffed seed in a peat puck and planted the whole peat puck in coco as soon as it sprouted, because apparently seeds with the ABC trait are hard to germ and particularly sensitive to being messed with post-germination. The seedling only had cotyledons for the first few days, but since there has been obvious growth with each passing day.

I haven't seen the ABC leaf trait described this way before, but it looks to me like all the leaves are shaped like cotyledons. (It also may have the Bigfoot trait, because I had a hard time getting pictures of it that weren't blurry.) The APBE is in a 1-liter airpot, I might bury the whole thing in a 1-gallon airpot to up-pot it later since it will have the whole 2x2x4' tent to itself. Depending how branchy it gets I might also try taking cuttings from it before it flowers.
Day 42: Done with pollination New
Day 42: Done with pollination

I've collected a couple tubes of pollen from all three males now, and culled the two with intersex traits. I'm keeping #1 around a couple more days, so I can save several more tubes from that one, but I'm done pollinating branches on Bobby's Widow #4.


They're all flowering now, and all but the Pakistan Ryder (left front) are done stretching. That one is now as tall as the WWbx1s and the Sweet Trainwreck, whereas the Bobby's widow #4 (front right) is much shorter -- about 13", compared to 20-22" for the others. I've moved the lights around to try to still effectively light BW4 without stressing the others, but it will probably yield less because of that. Hopefully still enough to get a reasonable impression and lots of mature seeds.


The Pakistan Ryder is 22" tall now, and finally getting some pompoms. I wouldn't be surprised if it takes a week or so longer than the others to finish.


WWbx1#1, the buds are looking good but there are some burnt looking fan leaves.


Bobby's Widow #4, nearly as wide as it is tall.


Sweet Trainwreck.




Six single-use tubes of pollen+flour from Bobby's Widow #1, destined for my freezer.


Bobby's Widow #1, a bit dried out and getting floppy. (I watered it right after taking this picture.)


The Auto Purple Bastard Eater, with more leaf structure visible. It's still pretty small for day 12, but the leaves have developed a lot since Monday. They don't look like cotyledons anymore.
Day 45: Done stretching New
Day 45: Done stretching


The Pakistan Ryder and Sweet Trainwreck have finished stretching. I moved the ST to the back of the right tray, because now it's a little taller than WWbx1#2. When they are different heights it helps to arrange them so there's a gradual change, otherwise the tallest get stressed by lights for the shortest.


One of WWbx1#2's tops. They are swelling and getting frosty. WWbx1 moves along quickly.


I changed my mind and decided to pollinate a side branch on the Pakistan Ryder after all, since I'm still collecting fresh pollen from the Bobby's Widow #1 male and at this point I will probably be waiting 5 weeks for the PR to finish. Based on the breeder's description I figured PR would be a smaller 60-70ish day auto, but it seems like it will take a little longer. It's getting pretty big, for a 3/4 liter pot at least.


The Auto Purple Bastard Eater, looking more like wonky basil than weed. It's small for day 16, roughly the size the Sweet Trainwreck was at that point. I want to eventually top it to encourage more side branches, but it needs a few more nodes first. That tent currently lacks a circulation fan (so the pollen can settle in cupcake cups), just an exhaust fan barely maintaining negative pressure, but once the BW male is out I will give the tent a proper cleaning and then add another fan.