Yellowish brown specks on leafs, spreading. Advice?

Apr 17, 2022
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Plant is growing strong but started to show yellowish brown spots on the tip of the bottom leafs. It's spreading inwards.
They started white, progressing inwards and turn yellow then brown.

The soil is Biozbizz light mix. She sprouted 8 days ago after 1 and a half day. Seed was planted in a grow plug that I stabbed and sprinkled with Mycco.
pH is 7 (filtered water). Watered on 05/06 and 05/12 around the plug/leaf distance. I did not add any Biozbizz nutrients yet. I am using fabric pots, 11 litres, I usually water 2 litres.

My light is a Sanlight Q1W 2nd Gen 50Watt. (Small space for 1 plant, custom build box out of a 1*4row Ikea kalax). DLI is 13. 20/4 hours light.

Temperature is 26-28 (78,8-82,4 Fahrenheit) Celsius and humidity 51-55 with lights on (70-80~ish when off). Air filter system is installed. The environment is pretty stable.

Could it be Magnesium/Zink deficiency?

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Maybe the leaves touched the wet soil in sleeping phase. It started after I watered, if I remember correctly.
I've increased airflow and will reduce humidity for a day
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Maybe the leaves touched the wet soil in sleeping phase. It started after I watered, if I remember correctly.
I've increased airflow and will reduce humidity for a day
That could have happened so keep water off leaves.
I'm going to cut off the damaged tips, too. Before it spreads more. Will check with microscope
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Okay so here's an update:
Removed the 'mold' parts of the leafs. This morning I noticed new discolorations. Looks like the first two leafs are lost, still spreading. I'll leave it as it is and let it grow. Will cut the leafs completely when she has grown some more.
Should look on the underside of the leaves if there is any tiny black specks

Affected 2 leafs turn yellow on the damaged parts. Front is yellow, backside is still greenish. This is the worst part of the leaf.

Here are photos with 120x magnification.
Leaf Front

Leaf back

Guess mold/withering due to touching the wet soil? Or does it look like something else to you?

Besides the first 2 leafs, the plant is growing nicely . She's at day 12 after planting the seed.
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Just keep it watered & don’t kill her with love. It’ll most likely grow out of it.
Just keep it watered & don’t kill her with love. It’ll most likely grow out of it.
But they need the feel the love before you kill and burn her :O :D

I removed the two affected leafs. I think it'll work out.