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2nd attempt at Mephisto Auto grow! 1st attempt, very weak harvest of 70g from 3 plants due to grower induced problems. Setting goal for 2xMW and 2xFS to produce 70g per, baby steps, hoping for girls to walk! Let's go...

  • Solo Cup filled w/HARVEST Organic Potting Soil Mix and Dynomyco
  • 4”x4” tent
  • AC Infinity Cloudline T6
  • 600W LED, Veg setting, 18/6hrs@24in
  • Fan 24/7
  • Temp 72-77
  • Humility 68-70%
  • Additional fan, humidifier and heater, as needed
Nov 1, Day 1 FS - Mary and Jane MW - Flo and Rilla

Nov 8, Day 7 - 1st tsp of GeoFlora Veg and 20ml water around outer edges w/sprinkle near seedling to moisten. Grow girls, grow....