Completed Grow of 2x OG kush + Mystery seed + home grown seed, citizen CLU048-1212 cobs

Electricity costs are rising, so I decided I will start a new grow, with the same OG seeds (turned out that 1 seed was a mystery, and 1 OG failed so replaced with a home grown seed) but this time a standard (for me) 4x scrog, quick veg, 16 nodes per plant, flower.

Top up the stash and hope it lasts untill power costs fall again.

I bought a new filter extra long as the "shorty" doesn't seem to allow enough air flow or remove enough heat, I now have great negative pressure.

4 seeds .............................. 20 eur
2x 40l soil........................... 12 eur
6x 10l coco ........................ .. 6 eur
2x 10l perlite ...................... 12 eur
New filter ............................ 45 eur
318kwh @0.44 eur pwh. = 140 eur

TOTAL cost = .... 235 euro

OG-Kush x2 137gms
homie&Mystery 144gms

total 281gms

a little less than a euro a grm, I should live with that.

Used up current batch of nutes, zero cost, as already factored into the last grows.

The story so far:
June 30, dropped 4 x OG kush seeds into jiffies.
1 OG failed ,put in a homie
July 05, 4 seeds are now popped, 3xOG, 1 homie.
July 10, put under light at minimum power 4cobs @70w
July 18, repoted 2 plastic buckets, 2 grow bags
July 25, topped
July 27, upped volume 100watts
July 29, training/tucking begins
July 31, topped and upped volume 140watts
Aug 01, upped volume to 190watts 4x35v x1.050
Aug 03, 1st feed
Aug 06, Schwazz-defol, flip, added 2x 2700k cobs = total 225watts, last veg feed.
Aug 14, flower pistils become noticeable.
Aug 17, final tuck, looks pretty full.
Aug 21, added 2 more cobs 8 now, kept power at 240watts +/-
Aug 27, schwazz-final defol, nothing todo now but water,feed and hope nothing bad happens.
Sept 01, and boom! just like that, as of 01-Okt electricity costs 50% more.:grrr2: the second such increase, so this is 100% more than when I started this grow.

Oct 15, cut down, clean up, time to wait for it to dry.

september 28, quietly scrogging the days away
Sep 28.jpg

The beginning.


3 OG kush popped, 1 seems to have not gotten with the program,
I put a home grown seed in a couple of days ater, hope that one pops so I have 4 to grow.
The homie is a much larger plant, with larger buds, certainly compared to the OG I just grew.

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The late planted reserve "homie" has popped, so I now have 4 to run with, I expect the homie to catch up in the 1st 3 weeks or so as it is in general a larger more vigorous plant with extremely sticky buds.

Its a funny thing though, we have had a very sunny year so far, but as soon as my seeds popped the sun disappeared, so my babies are already long and straggly, I guess I will just have to plant them deeper.

The last plant seems just about dry enough to pot, just another day or two.

I will then clean out the tent and clean the fans for better efficiency, rewire the lamp to only 4 cobs, drop the volume on the driver and i will be ready to start again.

Once a root system has formed I will mix the soil, coco and perlite and repot,
I plan on two bags and two plastic pots, I think I prefer plastic pots, they seem much easier to regulate, help keep the humidity lower and are easy to clean for reuse.

I am down to my last home grown seeds too, could it be time to look into Auto's.... ah decision, decisions.

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The late planted reserve "homie" has popped, so I now have 4 to run with, I expect the homie to catch up in the 1st 3 weeks or so as it is in general a larger more vigorous plant with extremely sticky buds.

Its a funny thing though, we have had a very sunny year so far, but as soon as my seeds popped the sun disappeared, so my babies are already long and straggly, I guess I will just have to plant them deeper.

The last plant seems just about dry enough to pot, just another day or two.

I will then clean out the tent and clean the fans for better efficiency, rewire the lamp to only 4 cobs, drop the volume on the driver and i will be ready to start again.

Once a root system has formed I will mix the soil, coco and perlite and repot,
I plan on two bags and two plastic pots, I think I prefer plastic pots, they seem much easier to regulate, help keep the humidity lower and are easy to clean for reuse.
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I am down to my last home grown seeds too, could it be time to look into Auto's.... ah decision, decisions.

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Nice one mate, good luck with the transplanting, I'm sure you don't need it though but it never hurts to have extra good vibes especially for triplets :bow:
Nice one mate, good luck with the transplanting, I'm sure you don't need it though but it never hurts to have extra good vibes especially for triplets :bow:

Thanks Pearl-anne, indeed the repotting isnt usually an issue, although I am a little heavy handed,;-)

I expect another 7 days or so in the cups, already did the cleaning of the tent and fans, so onward we go.
Thanks Pearl-anne, indeed the repotting isnt usually an issue, although I am a little heavy handed,;-)

I expect another 7 days or so in the cups, already did the cleaning of the tent and fans, so onward we go.
Seriously heavyt handed myself, that's why I always sew straight into their big pots. I really admire you guys transplanting. Let the countdown commence mate :headbang:
Seriously heavyt handed myself, that's why I always sew straight into their big pots. I really admire you guys transplanting. Let the countdown commence mate :headbang:

straight into the mix is as good a method as cups, jiffies, blocks, soak and plant etc etc, they all work out most of the time and they all have their positive and negative moments. The fun of the game :smoking:
straight into the mix is as good a method as cups, jiffies, blocks, soak and plant etc etc, they all work out most of the time and they all have their positive and negative moments. The fun of the game :smoking:
Gotta love some canna fun and games
no sun, every bloody time I plant a seed the sun is hidden by cloud, I swear its every damn time.
So I dropped all 4 cups into the tent under 4 Citizen CLU048's at min power, 70watts.
20 or so hours later .... Utilizing only 4 of the possible 8 cobs at minimum driver power, approx 0.525 Amp.
They seem happy enough, much better than in the window that isnt going to get any actual sunshine for the next two weeks according to the 14 day forecast. (every time)

20 or so hours later .... Utilizing only 4 of the possible 8 cobs at minimum driver power, approx 0.525 Amp.
They seem happy enough, much better than in the window that isnt going to get any actual sunshine for the next two weeks according to the 14 day forecast. (every time)

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You got back up for them though like every loving, responsible father does, lots more good vibes coming your way mate :passit:
Aaaand a couple of day later, a couple of pics, the homie is picking up, i guess another 14 days and it will be about equal to the OG kush plants.

Homie, a few days out of sync but a vigorous plant.
days and it
A couple more days a couple of update pics, early morning day 6 under the lamp.

my pics are taken with an old Samsung S5neo @ high resolution which are then too big to upload.
So once I save a set for my own collection, i batch convert with "mogrify -resize 30% IMG*.jpg"
This is the fastest way to batch convert pics to another size/resolution that I know.

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A couple of days later, a couple more pics.
They seem to growing normally, 4 cobs, 1 each per plant @ minimum power .525 amps
The Homie is still far behind but will catch up very soon.
pheeeuw! busy day in a heat wave... mixed 80ltrs bio soil, 40ltrs coco soaked in nute mix, 20ltrs perlite.

that was 40ltrs too much for my needs but will do to repot some balcony plants.

here are some pics,
The bottles allow a slow water feed to the rear plants which become difficult to work with as I only have access through the front opening, its crude but it works well.

I prefer buckets over grow bags but only had two left over. :smoking: and its too hot to go out to the store.

lamp is still running @ min power 4x .525mA, once they are acclimatized I will start ramping up the volume bit by bit.


The "homie" seems to be catching up, after topping no one will ever know the difference.:smoking:
a couple of days, a couple more pics.
The repoting seems to have gone well,

Also checked with a free app my ppfd on my old but trusty samsung s5neo, dont know how accurate the app is, but its very sensitive, so seems acceptable.

lamp is still at minimum power .525mA although its pretty close to the plants they do not appear to be upset, so I will roll with it for the moment but keep an eye on them.


The homie is catching up fast
a couple more days, a couple more pics.
Still utizing only 4 of the 8 cobs are minimum power .525mA
The "homie" front right is beginnning to push ahead in size, who would believe its 4-5 days behind.

The homie, trying hard to catch up.
a couple more days, a couple more pics.
Still utizing only 4 of the 8 cobs are minimum power .525mA
The "homie" front right is beginnning to push ahead in size, who would believe its 4-5 days behind.
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The homie, trying hard to catch up.
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Cheering her on from the side lines, go homie go, she's doing great :woohoo:

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