First Eazy Pyramid Grow

Day 48


I am not going to add calmag anymore unless I am certain there is a deficiency. I saw on another thread that it is easy to lock out calmag since AN coco already has calmag in it. Maybe that was one of my issues, too much calmag? It could just as easily have been salt buildup or a little of both. Salt builds up and shows deficiencies even though it is actually lockout so I add calmag which make it worse. I also just learned that salt buildup can/will cause nute burn. Gotta keep salt from building up.

I mixed a new res today 25% less concentration than drautoflower's schedule. So I did 6ml base, 3ml carboload, 3ml overdrive (all per gallon). Resulting ppm was 503. I will keep the ph between 5.8-6.0

I am also going to recycle runoff from now on as a rule and just feed right over the res bucket. Getting a bunch of runoff with each feeding should keep any salts from building up and keep the ph and ppm the same as the res. At least that is what I am hoping.

Fingers crosse.
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