Completed RQS Northern Lights Auto - Bibi - Nitrogen Deficiency

Sorry but yeah, I'll finish that load of free seeds I got from RQS various offers. They're decent but I gotta say I've seen quite a few mutations lately.

Been unable to publish for a couple months due to computer problems again so I'll progressively get back up to date

Anyways.. Same formula as usual, Biobiz all mix perlite 1/5 RQS Easyboost, BEST VA duuh darkbox two fans (new one oscillating heyho) dehum for this particular climate

Seedling Stage

Cutting unnecessary corners on this one.

In a glass of water for 24 hours, then straight in a little pot with a mix of soil and perlite 1/5 that's just been watered until leaking from the bottom.

Before watering, soil was humid but not dry, so to take into account when weighing the pot. 175g, after watering, 250g.

Day 1 - Seedling Stage

Right, so I had the BEST VA on the peppers, so I decided to start this one on that "chinese sh*t" ("fu*k off Chelios") composed of 4 cheap bulbs ranging from 5 to 7 watts and 3Kk to 4Kk

Rock on..

Day 3 - Seedling Stage

Average temps 19-24, average RH 44-50%

Day 5 - Seedling Stage

2 nice true leaves.

The weight of the pot is back to what it was when it was full and humid but not wet (177g) so water exculsively with spray until 250g.

Day 8 - Seedling Stage

2nd set starting


Day 10 - Seedling Stage

44% 22C

Day 12 - Seedling Stage

Average 20-23C 45-55%

Going nice, stretching a tad.


Day 13 - Seedling Stage

Decided to do the tranplant now as I want to top it early (5th node) in a 3 gallon root pouch usual formula biobiz all mix and perlite 1/5, with an added 15g of RQS Easyboost granules. Fully watered. (Picture taken before watering)


Vegetative Stage

Day 14


Stretching too much, a few days more to hold without the main light. We can do it.

Day 16 - Vegetative Stage


Day 20 - Vegetative Stage

Ok, the peppers have got used to the sun's UVs, so they are out of the tent for good. The main light can now go over. She almost fully recovered transplant so one more day and I top it.



Day 21 - Vegetative Stage

Topped! Early as I wanted, 5th node (and a tiny 6th coming after) chopped off. Left a bit of stem space.

Last grow, I did not want to LST on top of topping as I had not tried it yet and wanted to see every reaction of the plant for myself. This time, I will LST it as soon as it's worth starting it. For now, I'll wait that the secondary branches grow up. Maybe I'll start it earlier on a next photoperiod grow.

AVG 24C 45%

Day 24 - Vegetative Stage

Recovering. Already two main branches are showing their head. She's a bit stretched from the start but nothing alarming.

AVG 24C 50%


Day 26 - Vegetative Stage

Ok, I am a bit late with this journal so I'll add this extra post now to get back up to date asap.

She has now fully recovered and is growing nicely, a bit of leaf folding to let the future bud sites out of the shade, and daily stroking the main branches to keep them strong but stretchy for later LST.

I also put some threads around the tent during the initial set up, just in case it goes really bushy enough to SOG.


Day 30 - Vegetative Stage

A cold night at 18C after averaging at 20C, but no visible negative effects on the plant. Did a slight defoliation on day 27 to get some budsites out of the shade, and increase airflow at the bottom.

A few rusty spots have already appeared on some of the biggest fan leaves, darn she eating well. Wasn't expecting that to happen so early. Gonna have to prepare a little top feed for the switch.

Still daily stretching the bigger branches to prepare for full LST.




Day 31 - Vegetative Stage

AVG 21C 52%

Going smooth. Full LST applied on all branches. Main two branches are a bit stiff yet so didn't wanna push. Tomorrow will tighten them a little bit more.

Last day I reported a few rusty spots that had appeared earlier but only saw later. These have not progressed since, or spread to other leaves. Even if it is a bit of a gamble, I will wait to do anymore feed until more evidence of deficiency shows up. I will however keep a close eye on all the leaves andd hope I won't regret it.

Watering about 2L every 4 days atm.

On another note, she's still to stretched to my taste so I will have to work that out for next grow.


Day 33 - Flowering Stage

Tightening them twist&tie wires regularly to keep them all at the same height. One of the lower branches flopped, but recovered in a few hours only shooting straight back up.

Switched the lights to Bloom.

Day 40 - Flowering Stage

AVG 27C 50%

Hot hot hot for start of blooming.. Not especially good but oh well... Leaves are going yellow seriously fast. Seems like Nitrogen deficiency just at the beginning of stretching. Gutted. Put the net down anyway cuz I be back only for weekends, leaving my mate to water the plants. Hope fully that'll keep buds at the same height.
Top feed 10g grinded RQS Easy Boost. I'll have to get more nutes ready next time

Net all tied up.. never know :goodluck:




Day 47 - Flowering Stage

Ok I had to leave the house during the week to go to a mate's for professional reasons and left the watering to my other good mate back home. He handled that fine. But the rest is up to me, and I'm not here. Darn.
He warned me that the leaves were starting to go seriously yellow. Nothing I could, especially as I had the food with me for that green gelato grown at my mates.

So as it is the first time my plants require so much food, I have to say I got caught by surprise, so from now on, unknown territory for me. Prefer no to do too much, so I'll add another 7g of Easy Boost. It's pretty clear that this is a Nitrogen def, also a first for me.

Next grow, I'll put more, and then more, until I get the right amount.

Got rid of the dead leaves, and some covering budsites. Getting 2L about every 4 days or so, which is less than the last grow (2L every 3 days) and a bit worrying.

tighten everything up a little bit, and lowered the higher branches

Day 55 - Flowering Stage

Well I defo got a deficiency of some kind, most probably Nitrogen, right at stretching time, great. Added a further 7g of grounded Eastboost as top feed, as I could see the yellowing slowing down a bit but not enough. Took out the dead leaves and the ones that came off with no effort. No point doing any further kind of training now, except tightening the net a bit to spread it all a bit more. I'm too scared to put them branches back under the net while there is a deficiency, plus I think that stretching is not gonna last much longer.

On the positive side, I've never seen such a deficiency on any of my previous grows, and I never really used much nutes. I can only conclude my latest was strong enough to require a much bigger amount of food than my previous plants, which means there is progress.


Day 62 - Flowering Stage

Evening peeps..

Being able to take care of the plant only on weekends has med things a bit harder to manage, but thanks to my flatmate, at least watering was pretty much on schedule.

Stretching however has gone out of hands and the canopy is a bit of a mess, but well, it's not too bad for a first attempt at combo topping/LST. The deficiency has done its damage, but I think I limited the worstn and new growth now stays green. I can however already see the lightness of the buds. Got rid a few more of the lower leaves that were barely hanging on..

Struggling a bit with high temps with average of 26C


Day 68 - Flowering Stage

Feeding a little bit of grounded Easyboost straight in water. Going easy as it's the first time I use it like this.

Mini-heatwaves with temps of up to 33C are not helping. Some tricomes at the top seem to already lose their transparency. Too late for the buds really getting thicker or denser.


Day 74 - Flowering Stage

Hello, hello people... Dummy dummy here, just been given a hint about taking pics, duuh :lol: (Nothing great with the result yet, but there's a bit of improvement)

She looks like she wants more everyday, buds have stopped growing, and have just started thickening. Happy days, this is my favorite moment. This is gonna take me to 100 days.

OK, this is not the flatest canopy in the world (on the picture, the biggest bud is even hidden by the tall one on the right) but with the fact that I was only there during week-ends, I'm pretty happy with how it's going.
Fun fact: the lowest branch ended up the heighest


Day 78 - Flowering Stage

Still going..



Day 86 - Flowering Stage

Still going, trics are transparent all over, budding seems to be slowing down

Heatwave comin up




Day 93 - Flowering Stage

Budding is defo slowing down. The plant is just filling gaps now. Some small leaves from the lower branches are crumbling: first sign of the beginning of the end.
The heatwave is on with a daily average of 27C.

I see too many small branches and buds, will have to do a bit more pruning next time.

Waiting game for cloudy tricomes is on..




Day 100 - Flowering Stage

yellow people.. yellow's the word as all leaves are turning yellow. Gaps in the buds are still filling up but, much slower. This week-end will be the start of daily tricome checking.

Switched her to 11light/13dark see if I can hurry her up a bit lol

They're the loveliest buds :yay: I ever grown



Day 106 - Flowering Stage

Hey peeps..

Clement weather arrived here after the heatwave. Buds stopped growing, and leaves regularly crumble and fall.
Tricomes still mostly transparent. Waiting game eh eh

The pics are still a bit crap, sorry.. Had to edit the brightness a tad



Day 125 - Flowering Stage

Another catastrophe by DummyDummy...

Hello peeps, up to day 120 trics were still slighly cloudy and deserved to stay maturing for a while longer (or dying for that matter)
But obviously, as it seems it happens everytime I get to an important time in the plant's life, I had to leave the house for a week. But nobody to save me this time.

Came back on day 125 to find a plant that had already started drying (still on a 10/14 light cycle), all shrivelled and yellowish.. :sadcry:
So I panicked, cut the branches and without any further trim, put them straight in the dark. (did not even take the time to take a picture before hanging them, which I suppose could have been helpful.. ah well, panic mode.

We'll see what comes out of it but I'm already clear on one thing, it's the big bad Nitrogen deficiency at stretching.

Got rid of the smallest buds -> in the freezer (impossible to trim later)


125 (ain't much left lol.. not)

Chop Down & Cure

Well, after all that, I ended up with popcorn buds. Very fluffy stuff that takes a lot of space but that's not dense at all.

After trim & cure, 23g of dry flower. Very tasty, pine and citrus, but I don't think it reaches 10% of THC
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