Completed Trying not to kill my first grow. Amnesia Haze auto from random seed shop

Just a quick note if anyone reading this-there are couple more pages in this entry. I made it weird, not like a thread.
Hi hello what's up , I've always been a plant guy, love to see how plants coming out from soil, growing, giving flowers and fruits, taking care of green ones bacame a hobby to me.

I do enjoy few joints every now and then, but never tried to grow one myself and finally i thought, why not?

So here it is, my very first canabis grow.(hope I won't F it up)


Poped from the ground on August 13. Temperature about 25C and RH 45-55%

I'm using Mars Hydro TS600 in Mars Hydro 60x60x140cm tent with Cornwall Electronics extractor 187m3/h connected to Prima Klima carbon filter.



On August 20th I gave her first watering and first fuck up happened, I flushed her out of the soil due pouring too much water at once, now I know why I had to use spray bottle for first waterings (lesson learned ☝)

Next morning yellow spots appeared on two bottom leaves.


August 25. Wow she is growing and she's growing fast. Haven't notice any harm from that watering accident other than that yellowish spots on the leaves.

Found out I have gnat flies in my grow tent. Just a couple, I will try to dry the soil as much as possible and hope they'll be gone just like that.

Still not sure how to do these blogs/blog entries/journals. But I'm trying, will do better later lol

Topping my lady

August 28
In the morning I topped my lady at day 15 just above 4th node.
Maybe I should wait until 6th node appear to cut above 5th next time, but I was too exited and worried to top her on time because I heard I need to do that before day 20.
No stress or stun noticed after topping

First feeding and lst attempt


August 31. Soil looked and felt dry enaugh for watering, my dumb head thought why not add some nutrients? Even tho I knew I didn't need to add any nutrients for first 4 weeks of life, I did add some... And immediately started questioning myself, why tf did I do that, why all this rush..
P.s RH dropped to 30%-40% not sure why, trying to get more humidity in the tent.
Anyways, it's about time to start some lst


Understanding lst

September 1st-2nd
Next couple of days I was quite surprised by the growth!

My method of lst looks completely useless so I had to research more and redo it properly or at least better than now.

This is what I end up with :

Not sure if that's well enough but it's best I could do lol

Simply enjoying

September 8.
Past week was only tucking leaves here and there to keep light on the bud sites and lower canopy.

Now I'm using Plagron Calmag 1ml/L and Terra Aquatica Dual Part nutrients grow and bloom 2ml of each for every litre of water.

Watering only when I feel pot light and dry. Always using 1.5L bottle.
Works good for me.

Leaves, leaves everywhere

----------September 11.

She kept on stacking leaves all over the place but I didn't see much of vertical growth, tucking the leaves now works only for a few hours and new fan leaves popping every day.

Trying to get some information about defoliation, but.. some say do it some say don't another say do before flower and other say during flowering.
And I don't even know how to tell if my plant is in veg pre flower or flower haha :haha:

I decided to cut few leaves there and there which I cannot tuck underneath, I did it for a couple of days couple leaves a day.

--------September 17.

I guess I was abit too high and thought why not defoliate the bottom part of the canopy? Lol
And I did it, not too much tho, just around the bottom. Strangely, it felt so right to do that, I even cut some more leaves in the middle of canopy and few leaves on the upper part.

----------September 20

Surprisingly, my lady seem to like her new haircut and didn't mind that at all.

Looks like she's in flower stage now(?) so I changed feeding a little bit, now I use 3ml of bloom per litre of water and 1ml of growth, also increased calmag up to 2ml per litre of water.

Again, not sure if I'm doing this right, but my plant responds well I think.

Any tips and comments are welcome :jump:

Starting to believe canabis is not so difficult to please plant or im just super lucky with this one.

Anyways I'm happy how it's coming together

I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm doing something, cheers growers:cooldance:

Additional lighting

September 27.
Didn't do much for past few days.
I did cut couple of leaves there and there but other than that, only watering and peeking time to time how she's doing.
I don't see anymore vertical growth, maybe stunned, not sure but colas seems to be packing up on weight. Getting frosty around the buds.


Today I woke up with idea of installing small additional 36w led light.

Well, not that small in size, small in watts.

Not sure if I'm happy with placement but that was the only place it would work. Now I get to thinking if that was a mistake and it will not be beneficial at all or even will be harmful.

I will leave everything as it is for now until tomorrow and hope for the best.


September 26-ish

I did cut some more leaves for a last time. Again, I don't know why, just felt like doing it.. Lol.
Forgot to take a picture of the end result.. Took a picture from above

October 5

Felt like it's time for update, but not sure what to update.
Not much happening now, that's good tho, nothing bad happened either.
Buds stacking up some weight, now all I'm doing is watering, feeding and inspecting for any bad signs and/or pests. So far so good.

Additional lighting seems to be working well for side branches and lower canopy.
And the last leaves cutting also gave positive feedback, plant have more air circulating at the bottom and light can reach more.
Again, I don't know what I'm doing, every evening I just sit down to stare at her for some time and for me it looks like it's going well.

P.s I'm on 18/6 schedule, but I keep that additional 36w led on 24/0 schedule for past couple days. Why? I don't know.
Monitoring how it responds

Day 58

Small update on my lady.

Since I'm on 8th week I cutted out grow and bloom from my feeding. Now I feed only with Terra Aquatica Final Part Ripen 4ml per litre of water and calmag.
I'm impressed how beautiful she bacame in less than 60days.




I bought microscope some time ago to check on trichomes when they just appeared and forgot about it lol. Anyway, just watched through it and oh my, all the little trichs, so fascinating to me.


Cheap microscope, ain't digital so I can't take good pictures with it


Hiya, not much to update, last week I stopped giving nutes, and now watering with plain water.
And that's it, that's all I do-watering and inspecting, everything goes smoothly, too smoothly I would say LOL

Fingers crossed nothing bad will happen. I guess I'm in the ''endgame'' now.
Bit nervous about harvest, I don't want to be early and don't want to be for now, I'm planning to chop her in 10 days. I'm checking trichs every day, and I can still see clear ones and some white pistils.

Some fan leaves turning yellow, but I think it's because of the late stage of the plant and no nute feeding.[?]
And tips of the sugar leaves also turned yellow, which I don't like even though I don't know if that's a bad sign.


dam the girl looks beautiful

mu lower canopies on past 2 runs been lack luster. now that im inside im hopin my amensia run looks as good as that beauty xD
Just realized I'm on my 8th week so I changed feed. cutting out grow and bloom, instead I'll be using Terra Aquatica FinalPart Ripen 4ml per litre of water.
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Had some issues with RH, it was about 60% rising to 70% at lights off.
So I just threw some of those silica gel bags

Zero cost and works like a charm.
Stable RH at ~45% and ~55% at night when lights are off
Couple more pictures day66
Don't know why but she's not drinking much, watering only when top of the soil is dry and by the weight.
Once a day or even less often. But she seem to be fine.
Couple days ago I found one little bud underneath canopy which didn't got any light, I decided to snipp it.
Didn't want to waste that little guy so I hung it by the carbon filter, yesterday it was ready for sampling.
I wasn't expecting much but the smell, taste and high was amazing!
And knowing that I grew it myself, somehow makes it even better.

Cheers everyone:smokeout:
Colas getting prettier every day.

Aroma also amazing. One thing about it, if I sniff the bud it smells one way, but if I touch/rub a bit on the bud or leaves it gives totally different smell.
I guess that's normal?

dam looking good!!! hope mine turns out similar lol

did some fan leaf trimmin today and while doing so realized my blumats carrots wrent doin to good. the pots were super light so gave im a good feeding lol

gotta give us a final weigh when dryed lol

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