Reputation profile of 420autoflower

Reputation profile of 420autoflower

Looking forward to that 2nd round already mate! Beans are on its way
Bagless hero
w00p - That's a lotta trimmin!
Bloody Amazing.....
Insanity points! Another great result mate
Kilo autos
Love that strain.......looking awesome
2lb+ Points.
more amazing technique on display!
Nice scrog
That’s heavy man!!!!
Kilo Points, you know there's a place on Mt.Krushmore for that haul.
BOOM, what a massive haul mate! 1,3kg from one Auto Daiquiri Lime plant, insane result! Big up
holy fucking shit you blow me away
Trolly Points
Wow, stellar job mate! What a massive haul... happy 420 bro
Love seeing the process.
insanity points