Reputation profile of Bruce Campbell

Reputation profile of Bruce Campbell

Going above and beyond the call of duty, making a spreadsheet on other persons feed plan to respond their distress call
partly cloudy, with a forecast of scattered amber
A good start on the day!
Getting there
Spot on KD..
For my best morning giggle this morning. :)
Good info!!
< insert ROFL smiley here > =) ppp
Thanks for the heads up bro!
< insert rofl smiley here > ppp
Happy Caturday..
Very interesting and they cited their info wow don't see that much
Good man - helpfull (cannamingus has fast fingers :O )
Dont we all :)
Pbbbbt!..........the choice is easy. !0pts for coming up with option two. Minus 2 for posting option 1!
option 2 ,,points for going the extra mile
Cheers KD...
Awesome..reminds me of Stunteds work...
Go KD..
Lost me coffee down me nose...