Reputation profile of Dankerson

Reputation profile of Dankerson

nice day 12 shots
Harvest points.. Lecter way a biggin for a 1 gal. Result mate.
Thanks for the info mate!!!
That's a badass blunt right there!
That is so cool!
Great work, what a great run! Congrats on your new addition my friend.
Congrats on the harvest, it all looks great!!!
Baby points congrats bud. :)
Loads of variety and a great harvest - enjoy!
lovely harvest Dankerson
Great harvest brother!!
Awesome looking flowers. Congrats on the baby as well!
Nice and frosty!
Nice murder. Worth every point.
Congrats on the harvest!
Nice work congrats on the baby
Thanks for the spam report
I love Double Grape !
Thanks for the buying advice!