Reputation profile of Olderfart

Reputation profile of Olderfart

Another nugget of solid gold. Thank you!
Well said.
Thanks for the info!
Thanks for the advice and support. Loads of helpful people here and I appreciate you taking time to answer
Thanks 4 ur help growmie
Thanks for being you.
excellent post. very helpful for all autopot users.
Many autopot users deeded this!
Very nice explanations of the autovalve and problem-solving. This should be a sticky. Thank you for taking the time to help others. Now if you could explain to my wife car troubleshooting/
I like it already!
for havin knowledge of wealth! (and for bein so cocosciency, hehe =) ppp
Once again, you have given me some solid gold. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience so willingly; and with such a helpful level of detail!