Reputation profile of Qbgrower

Reputation profile of Qbgrower

Murdered it
Happy Caturday....
them plants are absolute fire for sure well done bro
Respect points
smashed it bro
Drooooool!!! Even that trim looks pukka!!
Nice, very nice indeed.
Great job!
WTAF am I looking at...
Murdered it.
Very nice indeed.
Look at all that bud is right my brudda
Great job brother! Well done!
Congratulations to you both!
Holy shit ya dark horse and I'm so happy for you and your bride
My you both have a lifetime of happiness!
Glad to see them alive an kicking!!!
you will be fine and have 20 rp for being such a nice guy
Snooze Ya Lose! points.............only 9 because.......ya lost. ;)
going to be full of tops in there soon bro