Reputation profile of Vapo

Reputation profile of Vapo

Happy Cannaversary
Hurrah hurrah!!!! Go AFN, but I’ve just been a member for some few months 😀
Stoner mistake...We'll figure it out as there growing...Oh nooo, then you can't mistreat them, lol
Very sharp buddy!!!
Dizzy Rep....Happy Friday.......
Ha ha ha...
Cutie pie points
Dizzy Points...
Puppy points
Keep ya posts coming mate I enjoy them and loads of others do
Starter points, lets get this show on the road mate!
Feel better soon Vapo..
Happy Friday Vapo..
Review Rep...
You animal!!! Think of the children?!!
dizzy wizzy have 20 princess
Moxxi Hug...
Puppy points
Full box of genetics mate, nice!
I didnt know you were struggling bro as i know sometimes things get on top of you anyhow youve got my phone no if you need a chat ya know were i am. Also things can only get better and you plants look awesome