dab rig

  1. Frankthetank

    Focus V Carta 2 1,000 dab review
    Threadmarks: Carta 2

    Today I took my 1,000th dab from the Carta 2.. I can’t say enough good things about the Carta 2. Weather you like big clouds, or terpy low temp dabs, this will do it with its adjustable heat settings from 365-635 Fahrenheit. The best thing about the Carta 2 is its durability. In 1,000 dabs, I...
  2. E

    Extraction Dabpress bj6t35

    Just purchased a Dabpress 6 ton all in one unit. Very happy with the unit. Received it 5 days from order from their China factory due to no Canadian warehouse stock. Got the kit, including filters and pre press. Plates heat up quick, maybe 5 minutes max. I’ve pressed a few different ways and...