
  1. FullDuplex

    Extraction Welcome tCheck!

    tCheck is the at home unit that accurately tests your infusions,flower, and concentrates. Please give a big AFN welcome to tCheck!
  2. E

    Extraction Grinders / Grinding for making oil

    Hey AFN familia! I'm going to turn my present crop into coco-canna-oil again. Or maybe use ghee (clarified butter). Last time I just did 15 g = 1/2 oz. I used my regular little ganja grinder. That grinder is nice to do maybe 1 g or maybe a little bit more. But for 15 g it was time consuming and...
  3. icmoon

    Diluting Concentrated Cannabis oil....Please, How?

    Hi all, I've just got to the point where I have decarboxylated my ground weed and have made a sticky kind of glue type 'oil' as a completed CCO using everclear. Now. I need to dilute it so I can get it into eyedropper type bottles in a concentrate that will not (like the undiluted stuff) knocked...
  4. budelee

    Extraction SCH bho Extract

    Well i got in a mood and ran a few different methods just because..i started with some live extract with eth,mover to some regular eth,did some qwiso,some long soaked eth and lastly a bho pullheres the starting materialimportant note in this pic::the initial purge was done in warm/hot water till...
  5. Dr. Babnik

    Extraction Ethanol Purification of BHO and Dr. Babnik Learning How to Dab

    After making my first successfull batch of BHO, I cleaned out the BHO tray with EtOH after scraping and recovered the oil. After recovery, I was left with a material hard as stone. I was very disappointed, whated to throw it out, but kept it. Today I showed it to @budelee and @tripaholic88 who...