Extraction Grinders / Grinding for making oil

Jul 26, 2016
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Hey AFN familia!

I'm going to turn my present crop into coco-canna-oil again. Or maybe use ghee (clarified butter).
Last time I just did 15 g = 1/2 oz. I used my regular little ganja grinder.
That grinder is nice to do maybe 1 g or maybe a little bit more.
But for 15 g it was time consuming and a pain, had to pull out stuff all the time to free it up.
It did get very sticky in the process, but that's another matter........

What do you people use for, let's say, an ounce or two? Like, 20-50 g?
Will it be fairly fast? Or slow, like a gram at a time?
I'm thinking of getting a manual coffee grinder, one with a fine-coarse setting.
But, what would the quality be like? Will it work for our fave herb?
I'm going to decarb the product, of course, so will want it fairly fine.

Or, what else do you use? I also have a smoothie maker, kind of like a blender.
But it's not a regular blender, and processing other things,
they sit at the bottom and don't get cut up at all.
So have to hit burst, then stir it up, hit it again, stir it up, etc.

Any ideas? Manual coffee grinder? Smoothie maker?
Something simple and cheap, haha!

Love and hugs,
I prefer to leave my material in rough form.
Anything that has trichomes on it gets soaked.
Grinding releases too much chlorophyll into the oil for me.
My secret weapon for straining is a potato ricer:thumbsup:
I'm able to squeeze every little bit of oil out.
Hope my morning ramblings help:pass:
this is a beast of a grinder
001 (6).JPG

could work it with a pair of wolly mittens,and rattle through an oz in 5mins.
i prefare a course grind as the decarbing dried out and can easily be powdersized after with a bit of shaking about.
i was a guinee pig in a medical trial once,had to eat a big bag of watercress everyday for like 6 weeks.it was tough going after a week,i resorted to blending the whole bag into a paste with a blender and necking as a smoothy.when i told the researcher they near went bezerk 'ohh that changes the composistion of the compounds bla bla bla' a bad thing apparently.
also a cut with blade will release more chlorifil than the tearing of a grinder.
good luck
Mortar and pestle.
Hey AFN familia!

I'm going to turn my present crop into coco-canna-oil again. Or maybe use ghee (clarified butter).
Last time I just did 15 g = 1/2 oz. I used my regular little ganja grinder.
That grinder is nice to do maybe 1 g or maybe a little bit more.
But for 15 g it was time consuming and a pain, had to pull out stuff all the time to free it up.
It did get very sticky in the process, but that's another matter........

What do you people use for, let's say, an ounce or two? Like, 20-50 g?
Will it be fairly fast? Or slow, like a gram at a time?
I'm thinking of getting a manual coffee grinder, one with a fine-coarse setting.
But, what would the quality be like? Will it work for our fave herb?
I'm going to decarb the product, of course, so will want it fairly fine.

Or, what else do you use? I also have a smoothie maker, kind of like a blender.
But it's not a regular blender, and processing other things,
they sit at the bottom and don't get cut up at all.
So have to hit burst, then stir it up, hit it again, stir it up, etc.

Any ideas? Manual coffee grinder? Smoothie maker?
Something simple and cheap, haha!

Love and hugs,
Hey AFN familia!

Any ideas? Manual coffee grinder? Smoothie maker?
Something simple and cheap, haha!

Bella Maria

Using a grinder a couple grams at a time was a pain, and coffee grinders got all gummed up so I started just chopping it coarsely with a chef's knife. About as coarse as parsley for a salad. My extractions and infusions are as potent as grinding, filtering is a lot easier, and it just takes a minute or two.

I have read somewhere that some people use nut grinders, but I have no experience with them.

Like @Ronin, I recommend a potato ricer. They are about 15 bucks for a decent one. It cuts down your work and processing time, and gets every last bit. Tinctures too.
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I've used electric coffee grinders and Magic Bullet, both of which work well.
To make the strongest possible edibles from the least amount of herb:
(1) Decarb herb @ 240 F for 40 min. Ardent Lift/Nova works very well for this.
(2) Grind to fine powder.
(3) Mix into the oil of any recipe, along with some lecithin. Briefly "cooking" the lecithin into the oil until it dissolves can help, but isn't essential.
(4) Bake using as little time/temp as possible to keep over-decarbing to a minimum. I use about 0.25 grams decarbed herb powder for each 10-12 gram cookie baked in silicone mini-muffin molds, and bake for around 10 min.

Strained oils/butter lose about half the medicine to the strained out sludge. See https://hightimes.com/edibles/ultimate-cannabutter-experiment-results/
or https://www.leafly.com/news/science...abis-edibles-why-its-nearly-impossible-to-cal

Each gram of good 15% thc herb used will supply 150 mg thc to the finished product, but only about 75 mg if you strain.
Some stomachs can't tolerate whole herb, but there will be very little herb taste.
Failure to decarb, or using long cook oils will be far less potent.
Hey AFN familia!

I'm going to turn my present crop into coco-canna-oil again. Or maybe use ghee (clarified butter).
Last time I just did 15 g = 1/2 oz. I used my regular little ganja grinder.
That grinder is nice to do maybe 1 g or maybe a little bit more.
But for 15 g it was time consuming and a pain, had to pull out stuff all the time to free it up.
It did get very sticky in the process, but that's another matter........

What do you people use for, let's say, an ounce or two? Like, 20-50 g?
Will it be fairly fast? Or slow, like a gram at a time?
I'm thinking of getting a manual coffee grinder, one with a fine-coarse setting.
But, what would the quality be like? Will it work for our fave herb?
I'm going to decarb the product, of course, so will want it fairly fine.

Or, what else do you use? I also have a smoothie maker, kind of like a blender.
But it's not a regular blender, and processing other things,
they sit at the bottom and don't get cut up at all.
So have to hit burst, then stir it up, hit it again, stir it up, etc.

Any ideas? Manual coffee grinder? Smoothie maker?
Something simple and cheap, haha!

Love and hugs,
I have used something by Ninja. Found it in my storage, was a gift we never used lol. I think its like the magic bullet. Small container that the blades come out, you push down on the lid so has very fine touch. But mostly just use my trimming shears to cut up a little. If you use a mbm or a similar product to make oil/butter it has a blade which will grind up when it needs to. The more you handle or cut up the more trichomes you could lose. Once it's in the mbm then it can be ground up. After i decarb I scrape pan to get as many trichomes back, some seem to melt a little to the pan. If glass i use a razor blade, if metal I use old credit card. The more you grind the more you will lose. I try to find as middle ground as I can get cause I do think it decarbs better when its finer. I would recommend 1 of these machines they work well. They make coconut oil in 2hrs with just about no smell. I use the Ninja for tincture. I decarb, then grind up fine. Pour into jar, pour some EC in Ninja to get all the trichomes.
Hey everyone! Thanks for all your responses.
Didn't think I'd get that many great replies.


Some of the things I can't do. Like the Magic Butter Maker.
I've seen the vids, looks awesome, but ... too many $$.

Maybe I'll just try the old scissors, chop it up.
And not worry too much about doing a fine grind for decarb.

Still flip flopping between coconut oil for next cook,
or high % alcohol tincture style, boiled down, kind of like RSO.

@Ronin @archie gemmill @DoDopeFuckHope @VitaMan @Simplicio @Mcdee