
  1. parsing_trees

    Grow Room Tips for keeping Solo cups and other small containers from tipping?

    For those of you who tend to grow in Solo cups and other small containers, how do you keep them from tipping when a tall, top-heavy plant has grown out of them? Sometimes I see them packed in tight enough that they'd probably support each other, but I'd rather give them a bit of space and be...
  2. Mañ'O'Green

    Dinafem Oh Solo Mió

    Under Construction Opening Late August @Mañ'O'Green does a Solo cup grow with @Dinafem-Mark . I think they are here to fill my cup! Coming soon to a warehouse in the sticks. If you think that is big you should see the straw :haha:.
  3. Dinafem-Mark

    Dinafem Dinafem's 2019 Solo Cup Challenge

    Hello all :thumbsup: I'm sure many of you have seen or even participated in a Solo Cup Challenge before. The idea is not new but this is the first time we are running our own competition and what better place to do the first ever Dinafem Solo Cup Challenge than on our favourite Autoflowering...