
  1. D

    Dutch passion ultimate fem issues

    Dwc,grow tent 2mx2m,600 HPS watt bulb,day temperature 30-night temperature 23,RO water(30ppm),canna aqua vega +Calmag GHE(Cal-4%,Mag-1%),cannazym,ph up.hello friends!the first time here,I ask for your help!ditch passion ultimate fem 40 days of vegetation ,the last few weeks I have been...
  2. M

    Week 4 500 PPM - Nitrogen Toxicity? Telos008/DPUltimat

    Hey guys, finally joined up to this forum after readings loads of content for about a year now. Doing my first auto (only done 3 12/12 in the past) and I'm having an issue I cant solve a bit about my setup Telos008 LED light DWC hydro 80cmx80cmx180cm Tent Little fan as seen in picture...
  3. sour.b

    Lighting Sour.b's continuous auto grow

    Here we are AFN peeps:tiphat:.. I joined the forum a few days ago. I've grown photos outside and inside in the past (10 years ago) but this is the first time with an autoflower strain and under LED I will be growing DP's Auto Blue Mazar. The setup: -Grow Cube Classic 80 (that I've cut to...