Nov 4, 2017
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Hey guys, finally joined up to this forum after readings loads of content for about a year now.

Doing my first auto (only done 3 12/12 in the past) and I'm having an issue I cant solve

a bit about my setup

Telos008 LED light
DWC hydro
80cmx80cmx180cm Tent
Little fan as seen in picture (oscillates)
carbon filter etc..

Temp usually stays around 26c, most recent 23c at night due to winter hitting us now
Humidity stays at 50%-60%

Light was 40cm away from plant, but I've upped the height to 53cm about 12 hours ago.

This is what I have logged, hopefully it helps a bit

Nutes GH Flora Trio (Micro-Grow-Bloom) <-- thats the order on spreadsheet


These are pictures as of time of post, 24 hours after I dropped just plain water and mal/mag to see if a flush would help



Shes not got any better, was having amazing results until this hit me, been almost 2 weeks now so I've lost a lot of time as it is (i know shes still decently healthyish)

Anyone got any ideas? as you can see from my log I'm using low nutes as it is (I think)
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Hey @Motrax brother- im pretty familiar with those nutes, been using them about 3 years with autos.
From day 15 to 19 you upped the grow too much thats where the n tox came from (as im sure you know)
But theres also a magnesium deficiency showing.
I like to keep using equal parts of micro and grow right upto week 7 (day 40ish)
You had over 3x the ratio of grow to micro before you backed it off again.

The damages leaves wont fully recover- its the new growth you need to watch now.
Make a new res with all 3 parts and cal mag. Ppm around 500 and see how the res and ph changes from there my man.
Feel free tag me anytime using the @ symbol in front of my name
Hey @sanguine.. Thanks for the reply man

Just done another change over with 10L of water

1.5ml micro, 1.5ml grow with 10ml mal-mag ppm sat bang on 500 ppm

I know 1.5 is a bit low, but ill leave it like that for now. what would you recommend on day 28ish from your experience? as Ill top it up tomorrow or the next day if she takes well

is it normal for them to want so much mag and so little base nutes? i know autos dont require as much, but i wasnt expecting 1.5ml
Right, just looked into a few things and I never knew cal/mag can add to the NPK

the cal/mag I use has an NPK of 6-0-0 which (I assume) contains more N than my base nutes...

I'm going to do more reading online about this NPK thing
Yea thats a lot of N in your calmag. I use plant magic magne cal its npk is
2.5 - 0.11- 0.33 still a little nitrogen heavy!

Around that stage i would be somewhere around .75 .75 .04 micro/grow/bloom and0.5ml per litre calmag.
That might make your ppm to strong with ypur calmag suppliment but i would keep that ratio of equal parts micro and grow and bloom being half their amounts.

Ive been in your aituation before- especially in dwc where plants need less feed than other growing styles.
When a plant gets burn or tox you feel you need to dial way back on everything apart from what its needing- magnesium in this case.
But it'll only cause deficiencies in other areas.
If you dont add that little bit of bloom for example the plant will be getting next to zero phosphorus- which is still needing in veg stage.
:yeahthat:-- say on Brother Sang'! :greenthumb: .... Mo' he's got you covered mate,... the thing is, N is a nutrient element that taken in whether the plant needs it or not, it's automatic.. there isn't any selection process behind any uptakes, in fact,.. what happens is a cumulative effect, the plant can only use and store so much before toxicity symptoms start to show,... and "hidden" sources of N can be the tipping inputs! ... the tricky part is how to reduce the N for a bit, but not short the plant on other nutrients in that 3 part system,... usually it's the Micro that has most of the N, as well as the micronutrients,.. many of those are immobile within the plant (can't be transloctaed from older leaves to support new growth), so a constant low level supply needs be around for regular uptake,.. cutting out the micro may trigger other deficiencies,... see if what Sang' suggested works,.. otherwise, a dedicated micronute supplement might be wise to have around,.. Earth Juice Microblast makes a very good product, broad coverage of micros'! :thumbsup:
Just a quick update

I've had to change/top up the nutes daily at the moment! Shes drinking 250-300ppm from 500 every 24 hours and I'm doing fresh res change just to make sure I get the levels perfect whilst she heals up
PH keeps jumping up by 1 to 1.5 from 5.5 after 24 hours

new growth seems to be super slow but shes branching out

So far I can't really see if shes healing as new growth has only gone up by one node. Mag deficiency is still showing but I can't add any more cal/mag otherwise ill be back to the start

On day 36 now :d5:


Going to look up alternative solutions for fixing this mag def

edit: Is there any way I can downsize these images?
Hey @Motrax if shes eating that much ppm from the res in so short a time its time to up the nutes.
I would make the new res at 700-750 ppm.
I see she is preflowering now which is perfect as i like to treat week 6 as the trasitional feed week.
So give equal parts of micro grow and bloom
and a little extra cal mag.

If you dont start to see some improvement you can always give her a foliar feed.

Keep us updated man
a foliar spray is a great way to get around any root or res'/nute ppm issues! You can use epsoms (MgSo4) at 1tsp/qt plus a wetting agent (critical for effectiveness), spray tops and bottoms of leaves (more stomata underneath),.. the wetting agent takes the surface tension out of the solution so it coats and sticks more evenly,.. more surface area covered = more absorbed :thumbsup:.... Coco-Wet is my choice for this... And if you want to really kick ass, and have a very diverse product for other applications, check out Optic Foliar's Transport... they have a whole line of stuff, including an all-in-one spray called Overgrow, but Transport is the key to it all,.. this stuff allows temporary penetration through the leaf cuticle of whatever is dissolved in it, bringing the good directly onto the plants tissues,.. otherwise, the stomata are the only way in,... I use Microblast and Transport to treat defc.'s with excellent results with amazing speed, along with soil dosage,... there's a review on the main page about it I did,..check it out to see what I'm talking about!

...downsizing... do you have Windows? open up the pic with Paint, and use the Resize feature to reduce it,... my beater camera is already set at low res' but it's not enough,.. pics come in at about 2+MB, I resize to about 30% and get them down to about 400KB,....