New Grower 1st Documented Grow - Ryker604 does DP Glueberry OG fueled by Autopots/Biotabs

Feb 7, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
DP Glueberry OG Auto, RQS Northern Lights Auto
Hello boys and girls :hippy:.

Welcome to my first grow journal and my second grow in total. After a successful first grow I decided to get more active in the AFN community, as I've learnt a lot through this site in the last six months and I hope that by this way I'll learn even more and maybe share some knowledge :goodluck:. I'll start with a boring intro that you can freely skip and go right to the pictures :mrgreen::nicethread:.


On my first grow I've grown 5 plants in soil under a 600W HPS. The grow was in the same tent that I will be using now and I've hand watered them with mostly Plagron nutes. Although some rookie mistakes were made, extensive research and friendly advice lead to a very decent result :cheers:.

However, before and during that first grow I came in contact with growers that use Autopots and Biotabs and had some firsthand experience with these products.They both seemed great by themselves, but the combination turned out to be amazing :bow:. All that must be done is to prepare your plants a healthy, nutrient-rich potting mix with Biotabs and give them their own water supply with the Autopots. As you noticed :biggrin:, I decided that this combination is the way to go for my second grow, so there you have it :pass:.

I'll be making two compact versions of this journal in both of the manufacturers forums, but more of that later on.

As far as the genetics goes, the DP's came from an Amsterdam connection and I have been making a decision about the seeds for almost a month and the Glueberry OG (and their other autos) really seemed amazing. Although, pretty bummed that I missed the latest Illuminautos drop:shrug:.

Another important thing to mention is that I'm already almost 20 days into this grow, but only now found the time to start the journal :thumbsup:. So be prepared for some fast updates :toke:.

Let's get started :worship:.

And the most important part, I will be running 3 Dutch Passion Auto Glueberry OG and 1 Royal Queen Seeds Northern Lights :bighug:. The NL is due to the fact that out of 4 Glueberry's three sprouted and the NL was a friends that popped the same day as the Glueberrys.

Now finally for some pics :cooldance::



Spudnik + SunMaster 600w MH



Lighting and ventilation system:



After the setup of the tent and initial tests, the seeds (4 GBOG) were dropped in a glass of room temperature tap water that was then put aside in a dark corner.


24 hours later they sank to the bottom and around 48 hours later we have this:


After the tap root emerged like this, the seeds were planted in jiffy cubes that were soaked with a very light solution of Plagron Seedbooster Plus.

The seeds were planted with the tap root pointing down and after some more research it seems that this is wrong?!? The science seems legit, but does anyone have any opinions about that :thanks:?

Nonetheless, the first sprouted after less than a day. Two more followed a day after.
What happened next was in my opinion the first mistake of the grow :rolleyes1:. The freshly sprouted seedlings were put under the light. Now, the temps (around 25-26C) and RH (around 45-50%) were OK, but it seems that the light was a little bit to strong for them as they still haven't opened up their cotyledons at that point. No major issues, just seemed as if they were fighting a lot more than they should. Once again I learn the importance of patience in these kind of endeavours :woohoo1:.

Problems aside, 3 Glueberries made it and 1 Northern Lights joined their crew and they are all alive and kickin' at this moment :pimp:. So, without further ado, I give you DAY 1:

The GBOG gang:


Upper left is the first lady that sprouted, upper right is the gang leader and the third, scrawny one had the most problems in the beginning (my guess is due to the light being to intense in that stage, but not sure; SPOILER: she gets better :jointman:).

The power couple (GBOG1 and GBOG2):


The survivor (GBOG3):


New blood (NL) and some innocent bystanders :mrgreen::


Aaaaaand... I think that this will be enough for now :coffee2:. Been writing this for 2 and a half hours and I need to get up in 3, pheeew. But, I like how it looks so it was worth it :cheers:. Please feel free to join me along the ride and ask any kinds of questions and hopefully shot some advice my way :shooty:.

Before I forget, shout out to @epenguin @Waira @budelee @Fairlynew @Hansbricks @Renaissance Redneck @Biotabs F69 @Micron Creek @CoviklaFlaire @A-Train @DutchPassionTony , how are all of ya doing :toke:?

P.S. During these first two weeks of the grow some pictures may be misplaced for a day's length, but I think that I have it all sorted out.
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Planting with the taproot down is the standard for almost everyone I have seen here. Different opinions for which part of a seed should be facing down as well. Some say dimple down, others the tip. I have watched enough germinate to know that seeds don't always crack the same. I always germinate mine on their side, better chance of success.
That is one nice set up all top knotch gear. Man I dig that homebox grow tent your room looks very orderly. What a wicked choice of seeds to my man. I will be digging this grow.

Thank you guys for all the kind word, glad to have you here! I'm currently at work, but I'll probably do an update in 6-7 hours and hopefully open the two other threads :d5:.

Planting with the taproot down is the standard for almost everyone I have seen here. Different opinions for which part of a seed should be facing down as well. Some say dimple down, others the tip. I have watched enough germinate to know that seeds don't always crack the same. I always germinate mine on their side, better chance of success.
View attachment 784982

By now I have seen about 50 seeds sprout and all of them were pointed with the tap root down. 80% of the turned out to be nice, healthy plants :smokeit:. I get that in nature seeds fall down in all sorts of ways and sprout nonetheless. However, this got me thinking:



Anyone got any more precise/scientifically backed information about this?

That is one nice set up all top knotch gear. Man I dig that homebox grow tent your room looks very orderly. What a wicked choice of seeds to my man. I will be digging this grow.

Thanks mate, it indeed seems as a pretty decent setup, especially when you see the girls at day 20 :drool:. As far as the HomeBox Ambient is concerned, I only have words of praise. It is their premium (more expensive) line, but it really is worth it. Great reflection, double bottom, side windows for more access, many holes of different sizes... In comparison with cheaper tents, it's light years away.
Another day, another update:

All of the four seedlings got their heads together the third day and went off to a good start :thumbsup:. I like this picture of the power couple on day 3:


GBOG [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] was the first to puncture the jiffy cube and let some taproot out. Potting time was about to commence and only the best is enough for my girls :amazon::

Plagron Premium Coco and Perlite with the Biotabs starter pack:



New product from Biotabs, Silicium Flash:




On to DAY 4:

Still not ready for the pots, but almost. Gang shot (the three tallest ones, from left to right - NL, GBOG [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and GBOG [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]) :


GBOG group shots:



NL family, the tallest one is all miiiiine :backside::


This is it for the weekend, as the next update will be a longer one due to the Biotabs mixing and I won't be by my computer as I'm going to a psytrance festival this weekend :woohoo:. So, this one goes out to @Micron Creek :

Another day, another update:

All of the four seedlings got their heads together the third day and went off to a good start :thumbsup:. I like this picture of the power couple on day 3:


GBOG [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] was the first to puncture the jiffy cube and let some taproot out. Potting time was about to commence and only the best is enough for my girls :amazon::

Plagron Premium Coco and Perlite with the Biotabs starter pack:



New product from Biotabs, Silicium Flash:




On to DAY 4:

Still not ready for the pots, but almost. Gang shot (the three tallest ones, from left to right - NL, GBOG [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and GBOG [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]) :


GBOG group shots:



NL family, the tallest one is all miiiiine :backside::


This is it for the weekend, as the next update will be a longer one due to the Biotabs mixing and I won't be by my computer as I'm going to a psytrance festival this weekend :woohoo:. So, this one goes out to @Micron Creek :

tenor (17).gif
What's up, how was your weekend? I'm back from my mini-vacation so it's time for another update :vibe:.

DAY 5:

The roots started some serious penetrating of the jiffy cubes so I decided that it was time to transfer them into the pots with the Biotabs fueled potting mix :woohoo1:.

For all the root porn lovers, GBOG 1:




On to the mixing:
The Autopots are the 15L kind and I will be putting in them 60% coco, 30% perlite and 10% local worm hummus as base components mixed with the Biotabs line and some Guanokalong guano powder.
After preparing the base components for one pot, I add to them as follows:
  • 75 g of Startrex - Biotabs organic soil conditioner and fertilizer (3:1:2) with a high bacteria content
  • 75 g of Silicium Flash - Biotabs new organic fertilizer (4:3:3) rich in silicium, calcium, magnesium and so on (not only that, but it also substitutes the use of Orgatrex - Biotabs liquid organic plant food [5:1:5] - confirmed by Biotabs staff)
  • 3 g of Mycotrex - Biotabs blend of 9 species of Mycorrhizae
  • 100g of Guanokalong powder - organic bat dung fertilizer (1:10:1)
All of these come in powder form and look something like this when added to the mixing tray with the base components:


After a thorough mixing I got something like this:


The filled Autopots:


After filling the pots, I've dug up a small potting hole for the seedlings and put 2 g of Mycotrex in it.
Once the seedlings were in place 2 tablets - Biotabs organic slow-release fertiliser tablets (15:7:8) - were put 10 cm deep into the substrate and then the pots were soaked with a solution of 2 g/L of Bactrex - Biotabs beneficial soil and root microbes - and around 2 mL/L of Orgatrex instead of their recommended 5 mL/L (I did this because it is advised not to use Orgatrex with Silicium Flash but I wanted to give the bacteria a little jump start with the molasses, any thoughts?).
Around 2 L were enough to create a little run-off from the pots, were I decided that they are soaked.

Voila, that's all you need for a high quality and nutrient rich substrate that your plants will love:pass:.

The gang all pimped up (GBOG 1 - bottom middle; GBOG 2 - center right; GBOG 3 - bottom right; NL - center left):



It should be noted that I had an e-mail correspondence with Karel from BioTabs regarding their new products and how to make a mix for the Autopots and so on. He was very polite and helpful in answering my questions :thanks: and that's the information this mix is based on (including their standard manual for Autopots).
All that is left before connecting and turning on the Autopots is 7-10 days of hand watering until the plants have established themselves in the pots :thumbsup:.

DAY 9:

Just a quick sneak peak, the girls are loving their substrate:

See ya later :d5:.