A friend in need of CBD....

Sep 29, 2013
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Hi guys. Im a newish member on here. Been learning as much as i can for a few months now from you guys.
I have a question for the mods or if anybody else knows the answer please let me know.
Here goes.

I have a dear childhood friend, Viktor. He moved away to England a few years back and soon after was diagnosed with rare cancer. He just started a page to try to raise funds for him so that he can use cannabis oil as treatment for his cancer. It is one of the only things that can help him after the surgeries, chemo etc

I would like to know if its against the rules for me to start a thread on here with a link to his justgiving.com page for anybody who might be in a position to help. I dont know if any of you guys in the UK make your own oils or anything that could possibly Even be donated to help him out without spending your money.

Thanks for your time.

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Hey @max187 , I'm so sorry to hear about your friend and you have our condolences.

As to the funding page, unfortunately we do have to request it does stay off the public forum. It's a very slippery slope when we allow in member charity links (and we've been asked dozens of times over the years,) because if we allow one, it sets a precedent that we could or should allow others (and they would flood; ) then factors in authenticity (there are sick people out there that don't have anything wrong with them other then greedy hearts,) and things like that. So we just prefer to play it safe and keep it off the forum as a general rule :bighug:

My suggestion would be to reach out to one of our medical experts like @Root and @Eekman to try to help advise some treatment plans. At the very least we can offer education, support, and help you guys learn how to provide your own medicine if possible. :bighug:
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I don't know what the laws are like in the UK, but there are websites that openly sell CBD products for very reasonable prices. Google "Buy CBD isolate" or the like and you'll find them. There's also CBD flower & hemp buds out there that contain 0.03% THC that are legal in the United States...though I don't know if that applies in the U.K.

Again, don't know if this helps or not. Sorry to hear about your friend. Unlike THC, CBD products are pretty easy to obtain so at least there's that. Best of luck.
I don't know what the laws are like in the UK, but there are websites that openly sell CBD products for very reasonable prices. Google "Buy CBD isolate" or the like and you'll find them. There's also CBD flower & hemp buds out there that contain 0.03% THC that are legal in the United States...though I don't know if that applies in the U.K.

Again, don't know if this helps or not. Sorry to hear about your friend. Unlike THC, CBD products are pretty easy to obtain so at least there's that. Best of luck.

CBD is 100% legal in the UK provided it contains less than 0.2% THC, and is freely available in High Street stores such as health food shops and major chains such as Holland and Barrett. And given the UKGov's recent decision to reclassify cannabis insofar as it being a medicine, from something with "no therapeutic value" to one which has a therapeutic value, plus the ability for doctors to prescribe it, once they have the guidelines and rules in place by the end of this year then the ability for people to get "MMJ" that is not only CBD will be improved.

Until that time, there's nothing apart from the legal side of things to stop anyone buying a Cannolator, finding someone who can sell trim, etc, for next to nothing, and then making their own "full spectrum" oil for medical as, in this case and provided he keeps it to himself and doesn't "share" it with anyone, it would be one hell of a hard necked copper or judge who would come down hard on someone with his condition, especially with the current climate where some VERY high profile cases have had an effect on the public perception insofar as medical use goes. Anyone asks what the Cannolator is for, well, you think you can only extract oils from cannabis with it?

So, @max187, there's another option for your friend. £100 or so for the Cannolator kit, get some trim and some high strength alcohol, make his own "full spectrum" oil, and just buy CBD from one of the multitude of places on and offline.

Good luck.