Arrrrgghhh help please!!


Weed farmer

My low widdow is 58 days old, full flower, buds smaller that other plants, 2 days ago noticed some small brown spots in and around the middle of a couple of leaves..... Now there are loads more and leaves starting to dry out! Read it could be a number of things so don't really know what to thought call on super afn!! Hope someone can point me in the right direction
Thank you! :confused:
Need pics bro. Sounds like a calcium deficiency... like you said though, it could be a number of things.
IMG_0442.jpgIMG_0469.jpgIMG_0463.jpgsorry not great pics! hope this is a help!
It is kinda looking like a flower nute kind of thing. But it sure does sound like a cal/mag issue from the read up. The smaller buds are also a sign of flower nute deff. Do you know your grow stats? Ph, Temp, Soil hydro?

Not so much the phos though, your leaves haven't gone yellow/crispy at the tips and curled up.


Sorry been away from the Internet! Don't know the soil ph but have a test kit with solution so will try that, temps around 80 sometimes higher! Have aks in the same grow that are really healthy! I feed them with plant magic and they are in plant magic soil, the ph of the water I give them is 6.4 and the run off is 5
Thanks for your help!
the run off is 5
I don't like that... Let's get Bailer back in here and see what he suggests. I know it's difficult to be patient when you have issues like this but, the amount of time you wait for an answer is not going to make things worse.
It would sudgest that the PH of the soil is more acidic that it should be.

Which might cause a lockout. It's on the low end of phos absorption.

Is your soil peat based?

Says blend of sphagnum peat, fytocell foam and organic growth stimulant!
Just done the soil test saying ph7, leaves much worse, really crispy!