Indoor Autoflower purple jems lowryder just need info

Feb 3, 2011
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Hi all iv just fished off growing my fist purple jems, lowryder autoflower,im drying them out right now, why cut away on the lower leaves of the plant,i sinp a bud of which was silly of me,my pants were all girls,and there was, NO BOYS in they with them,as i say iv just cut of the lower buds like i said to see, theres seeds on the buds, not sure why ? im not worry as it given me some nice looking seeds,but i wont buds thought,i going to look at all the others to day and they were all girls for sure,any info why this happen be nice to no
Hi there,they no way pollen could have gotten on them as im growing in tent and iv got all girls in there, with nices white hairs no balls,well i wait and see what the biger bud are like when im not sure how i got seeds of the bottom buds,anyway iv got more to grow now.and the funny thing is the seeds i fist got of PJ are very small, iv still got one and the seeds iv got now are much bigger and browner,
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One of them probably threw out some nanners. Those seeds will be feminized. Hopefully not from the same plant that threw the nanners.

I've had a few JEM's that put out a few. I've been able to just pluck them, and continue growing. You have to be on the watch for them with just about every strain IMO.
ok thanks for,
that sound about right,as im not sure which one would threw the nanners out as they all look the same,with white hairs and they all bud up,iv got, an other three grown right now, and iv got to say, theres one are rocking up much more faster then the other one did,and how can i till a nanner one ? would no what to look for,i let you no if my other buds have seeds in them when dry out,but the seed, she given me look much better then the fist lot i got,im not sure what feminized mean when it come to seeds,but sure well grow it,and thanks for that info
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It will look like a bannana when it's young, as the nanner gets older it looks like a male pollen sac. It's a dead give away, yellow thing growing out of a bud with no crystal on it. Just looks like some thing is not right.

I have a pic of a hermi JEM kicking around. When i get some time thins evening i'll post it up for you to see.
Hi guys and thanks for the info, well now iv got lots of seed and some of them are very big and brown with spots all over them,im hoping this time i get more girls then boys or nannys as i had to cut the other down as they was nannys 2,so does this mean the seed iv now got are feminized which mean ladys only, if so im very happy im look at up to 200 or more seed of them all,
thank you for the info i well enjoy my next grow with them,she given me some good looking seeds,and this time i be looking for some nice buds,
thank you for the info i well enjoy my next grow with them,she given me some good looking seeds,and this time i be looking for some nice buds,

karma sent for That....

have a great weekend...:smoke: